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Monday, July 23, 2007

Today on LG15

Today on LG15 the plan went into action! (Yeah and btw GF can log into the forum but cant log into comments...can someone help?)

Spencer: So here we are: Judgement Day. This place really clears out on Saturdays. Who knew scientists take a break? Our Soldiers are in place ready to infiltrate the Wyman Foundation. A blood sample beckons us and we have but a short time to get it. (Looks back a Taylor) Is everyone ready?
Taylor: (Talking into her head set) You guys ready? (She nods and gives the thumbs up)
Sarah: Did you just give a thumbs up?

*and so mission to get a blood sample from a mountaineer who does yoga and limbos and lives in a maze took place...ok maybe I was a little out with my last prediction...*

Spencer: Part 1: The Siren Call. Sarah, Go!
Sarah: What?
Spencer: Go!
Sarah: Oh, right "go" sorry

THE SIREN CALL © Spencer Gilman
Sarah: I didn't have the luxury of a training video because apparently... I don't need to be trained for what I am about to do. Spencer says I am a natural. (sighs) I'm in charge of security, or rather the security guard. Surprise!
(Widescreen shot zoomed image of a security guard walking back and forth)
Spencer:(VO) The security guard looks a little upset. (The Guard sits down on the side of the road) Is he crying?
Taylor: What?
(cut back to Sarah and guard)
Security Guard: (notably low audio quality) ...he never wanted to see me again. Especially after he took our dog, he claimed it was his. Honestly, after 4 years isn't everything mutually shared? (sniffs)
Sarah: Uhhhhhh??? Yeah, sorry, you had to go through that, that...that sounds uhh like a real nightmare.
Security Guard: (crying hard) It really was.
Sarah: Oh, umm (Guard cries even more) don-don-don-don't cry. Umm, no, I'm not... I'm not good with emotions. Can...? Oh, god. Alright, hold on I dropped my cell phone.
(Sarah picks up the camera)
Taylor: What? What's that? Open it. Open it.
Spencer: (Spencer reads text message from Sarah) Done. Guard emotionally compromised. (To Taylor) Sarah's done her job, let's go.

*Hmmm I think Sarah was meant to use her "laundry" techniques..(see previous vlog where she pointed out the washing machine) but I guess she wasn't the guards type..*

Taylor: (Talking into her head set) Jonas, you're on. (Nods head) Okay.
Spencer: Part two: Storm Shadow.
STORM SHADOW © Spencer Gilman
Jonas: Okay, here we go. It's go time. Thing is, I have to get (Holds up rope)this rope up there. (Camera pans to a light bolted to the building) You don't think I can do it? Watch me.
Spencer: Man, this is so frustrating not being able to see what's going on!
Taylor: Okay, calm down. If everything is going according to plan, then Jonas should be getting inside about now.
Spencer: Get on your mic and tell him to go faster.
Taylor: (Sighs) (Talks into headset) Jonas? Jonas? He can't talk when he's climbing. ..... What are you doing?
Spencer: (Camera pans to Spencer, who is wearing a ski mask on his face) If Jonas doesn't succeed, I'm goin' in.
Taylor: (Laughs, but abruptly stops) OH, my god, you're serious.
Spencer: Yea, I got a hat for you too. Put it on. (Throws hat at Taylor)
Taylor: (Puts on hat, to which we find out it a hat with a cat face embroidered on it)

*Oh dear God..*

Jonas: (Now on the roof) Good thing Spencer taught me how to climb with a rope cause', uh, there would have been no other way up here. So, I'm on top of the building right now, I'm on the roof and I'm looking for a way in. Somewhere up here. I don't know where, maybe a vent or something like that. (Tries to take rope off of the pipe) You know what, I need to put the cell phone down cause' I can't do this, I can't pull my rope up. I'll get right back to ya though.
(Cuts to a shots of the roof and of Jonas looking for a way inside the building)
Jonas: I've looked in a couple of places. I haven't found a door, I haven't found a ladder, but I still haven't looked over there (Points to his right) So (pauses and sighs) I'll go check it out. Hopefully, we will find this door or ladder. Let's go.
(Cut to ladder)
Jonas: This gotta be it. This is the only door and the only ladder in this whole place. Alright, I found the ladder and I'm getting into the Wyman Foundation. Here we go. (Shot of Jonas climbing down ladder and of him landing on the floor) Okay (Laughs slightly and smiles) We're in the Wyman Foundation. (Laughs slightly and smiles again, looking at the ladder) You know that was like doing the Kangaroo Hop I can't belive Spencer... maybe he knows what he's talking about. Alright, let's go. Let's go find that vent.

*Corporate Spencer knows all...Neutrogena covers all...*

Taylor: He found the router.
Spencer: You know what to do.
Taylor: (sighs) Part three: Guardian angel.
GUARDIAN ANGEL © Spencer Gilman

Taylor: Okay, I hacked into the building's security system.
Spencer: C'mon, let's go.
Taylor: (Smiles) Got it. Okay. (Talking into headset) The building's external security system is disengaged. You're good to go, Daniel.
Spencer: Part four: Interdiction.
INTERDICTION © Spencer Gilman
Daniel: (Face not seen because on the darkness of the room) Alright, Taylor shut off the external security systems. We're in the main part of the building. Only thing that stands between us and our goal are these lasers. (Motions to laser behind him) Let's hope Spencer's wikiyoga helps. (Into what is presumed as a headset) Alright Taylor, I'm ready.
Daniel: (Into headset) How far? Okay.
(Downward dog over another laser and crawls underneath the last one. Daniel proceeds to climb into a hole and shut off the internal security system. The camera is shown moving toward the hole.)

*Did anyone else see the film Entrapment? Surely its mandatory to wear a catsuit in such situations?*

ONE LAST TASK © Spencer Gilman
Daniel: You think this retinal scan is going to work?
(It does and the door opens)
TCC: 1875, this is it.
Daniel: You got it, TCC?
{Camera pans to reveal Alex)

*sound of QtheC jumping for joy*

Alex: Oh yea, I got it.
Daniel: Hey what does that stand for anyway? TCC?
Alex: The Clarion Call.
Daniel: What's that?
Alex: How about you ask your new girlfriend?

*Will the Scoobies get to Bree in time? Will Taylor let Spencer wear her hat? Is Sarah the worst relationship councillor in history? Will Jonas get off the roof? Will Alex and Sarah swap stories? Will all this be answered before a certain date in August? Will GF ever be able to log into comments again??*

Stay tuned...


  1. GF,
    You make crappy videos worth watching. Thanks.

  2. Hi GF, have you cleared out the cookies in your browser? That seems to help with logging in sometimes. My account unfortunately stubbornly resists to log into comments, BK and the webmasters are tinkering with it now. Hope they find a solution. I won't be anyone but Dream on LG15. :)

  3. The video would have been better without Spencer. I just cannot buy into that character at least not as a scientist.

  4. GF- others have said that if you log out of the forum, then log back in, it will fix the comment log in problem

    I couldn't log in earlier, but I just had to clear my cookies and it was fine.

  5. LOL: "*Corporate Spencer knows all...Neutrogena covers all...*"


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