A Zoeyton is a subatomic force that has negligible mass but an insatiable thirst for drawing knowledge into its sphere of influence. When combined with "Truth" "Beauty" and "Charm" forces the Zoeyton has the ability to organize information and contribute to an entity called a "LGPedia". Long thought to be inert in the Universe, it is now postulated that LGPedia is a powerful force in fighting the spontaneous appearance of plot-holes. This has yet to be confirmed despite the fact that the Zoeyton is now 20 years old with a knowledge base that is unrivaled in the Universe.
Scientists at the Elendi-Waffle Lonelistic Physics Research Institute (EWLPRI) could not be reached, but there is reason to believe that many of their scientists have secretly been investigating this phenomena.
An interesting anomaly of the Zoeyton is that it causes spontaneous episodes of "Juggling For World Peace" in any entity that comes in close proximity to it.
--- One interesting twist on this birthday story is that Zoey wrote herself a birthday letter.....when she was 10 years old!!!!!!!!!!!! The letter was not to be opened until her 20th birthday. Here it is:
"Dear Zoey,
Happy 20th birthday!! You're two whole decades old now. Remember being one decade? That's how old I am now. Hopefully you don't read this until you're 20. I know you want to cheat but please don't okay? It's much cooler if you wait, trust me. I read all about time capsules at school and they're really cool!!!
Mom said that pretty soon you're gonna go through puberty and stuff. That sounds really lame. Is it as bad as it sounds? I bet by 2000 they figure out time travel, so could you write me back from the future and tell me how it goes so I know?
In school I'm learning so much stuff! We learned about the rainforest and I even made a mural that my teacher hung on the wall for everybody to see because I did such a good job!! I also learned about Madagascar which is a country in Africa. I can do long division too.
N told me that J told her that I was really pretty. She says he's going to ask me to skate with him at my birthday party. You know what? If he does, I think I'd be okay with that. Maybe we even start dating and he asks me to prom some day. Prom sounds pretty cool. Did you go to prom? Was it with J? Wait, don't tell me when you write me back from the future. I wanna find out for myself!
I hope you have a good birthday. Can't wait to read your reply, time travel is awesome!!!
"Netscape Navigator, the world's first commercial Web browser and the launch pad of the Internet boom, will be pulled off life support Feb. 1 after a 13-year run."
"Talk to...." TAAG in the "chill spot"(Talk to..... in menu)----->
Jennie is a young woman Sarah befriends at the Lullaby Project encampment. She and Sarah helped the Lullaby Project by helping set up a portable medical facility and handing out Lullaby care packages to the local women. Sarah explained that Jennie thinks the "Hymn of One crap is ridiculous" like she does and had told Sarah "We eat their food and sleep in their tents. So when in Rome, be a gladiator!"
In Jennie Bares All, we learn that she was an anthropology major at UC Berkeley. She had finished her field study in Oaxaca, Mexico, but was not yet ready to go back to school, so she volunteered with the Lullaby Project. We also learn that she is a fan of making obscure references. As Jennie began to get the hang of blogging, she made a new video in which she appears alone and unaided by Sarah, where she talked casually to the audience about random facts and also expressed her concern for Sarah and her new found faith. Jennie began questioning the Lullaby Project when she made a trip to a local village to do prep work with some of the women, when a woman she was trying to help told her the Lullaby Project was a "curse" and that it had caused many miscarriages in her family.
Hola! It's Jennie. I'm not sure if you all know me yet. I work at the Lullaby Project where I met Sarah. I believe you know her, right? Well, when Sarah first arrived here she told me about these friends she had online and that they've been really helpful in the past. So here I am. :)
Sarah and I have become quick friends and normally I'd seek her advice, but she's still off on her "retreat." There isn't anyone else here I can turn to. I thought about talking to Claudia, but she's so close to Chris and Carl that I don't know if I can trust her either. I'm not used to be so suspicious and distrustful. Once Sarah arrived and questioned everything she opened my eyes to things I hadn’t seen, or maybe refused to see. I don't know, maybe I'm just naive, but I thought we were really helping people here. Now I'm not so sure. After last night, I know I can't trust Carl.
I could really use some advice. What should I do? I can only stay online for a few more minutes. I'll try and come back later.
"Information dissemination is cheap thanks to the Internet, and now so is fame, which has become the virtual-reality birthright of every Tom, Dick and Lonelygirl15 itching to go viral."
Like Charlie Brookers view on "a career in media" that I posted a few weeks ago, this isnt exactly Breeniverse related but it is very funny and thought provoking and I wanted to share it with you guys. It is taken from the BBC program "Extras" starring Ricky Gervais (which I hope if it isnt already will soon be shown in the States as it is brilliant). Andy, now a C-list celebrity agrees to appear in Celebrity Big Brother to boost his profile. While in there he has a realisation about just what celebrity means in this day and age. Enjoy and happy new year! Love GF xx
A super secret source deep within the Order has confirmed to us that the woman who appeared with Michelle Clore in the KateModern video "Kate Come Home" was in fact none other than Lucy.
So things have been perplexingly normal since Aly moved in...and that's totally a good thing.
Of course, this means I can now devote all of my attention toward "stressing out" about other stuff. ------- Honors for This Video: #3 - Most Discussed (Today) #2 - Most Discussed (Today) - People & Blogs #42 - Most Discussed (This Week) #11 - Most Discussed (This Week) - People & Blogs #58 - Most Discussed (This Month) - People & Blogs #1 - Most Responded (Today) #6 - Most Responded (This Week) #50 - Most Responded (This Month) #54 - Most Viewed (Today) #4 - Most Viewed (Today) - People & Blogs #27 - Most Viewed (This Week) - People & Blogs #17 - Top Favorites (Today) - People & Blogs #39 - Top Rated (Today) - People & Blogs --- 2 Girls 1 Dwelling - RedEarth (RedEarth88) on LGPedia.
Rachel's roommate Zoey is a shoutout to LGPedia head admin, Zoey. The comment about Aly compiling a Wiki is a shoutout to the Redearth88 section of this very wiki.
Rachel's neighbor, Larry is most likely a homage to Larry Dallas, the lecherous and annoying neighbor on "Three's Company."
Rachel's situation of having nothing nice enough to wear is similar to the situation Maddison Atkins found herself in while filming a news segment for her school.
"Original online hits such as LonelyGirl15 are joined by videos from brands such as Procter & Gamble's "Tide" to indie productions such as "The West Side" to clips from World Wrestling Entertainment."
"Talk to" the characters in the "character lounge " ("Talk to..." link on the right hand menu) or learn all about them on LGPedia where you can view all the press photos.
Hey everybody, I know a lot of you aren't regulars in our lg15 chat room, so I thought that I would just give you all a glimpse into what EXACTLY we spend our time doing. LOL. So the other day, myself and 2 other members decided to mess around with the lg15 holiday pictures that were released, and this is what happened ........MERRY CHRISTMAS!! (yes i know its semi late ;) HAMmy's (mine) :
"Talk to" the characters in the "character lounge " ("Talk to..." link on the right hand menu) or learn all about them on LGPedia where you can view all the press photos.
Glenn said, "I'll make the first hour an all request hour to read from original drafts and outlines of any episode I worked on!"
Tonight Glenn will be taking requests. He is drinking diet Dr. Pepper. He swears that the next video is very very very close. He is at the "thumb nail stage". He had some audio mixing issues to deal with today. --- Glenn thanked the Red Army. He "fell in love" with Sarah when he saw her audition video. She is better than what he saw in his head. She evokes so much emotion. She appeals to Glenn even more than Bree.
As he has talked about before Mesh grew up in Petaluma close to Glenn and when Glenn saw Bree he identified with the character's voice.
As Glenn developed Rachel's role he remembered the discussion of "how do we bring back classic Bree" after the "On The Run" video. --- Worth the wait was basically an outline at best. In the filming Glenn was talking to Logan a lot of the time explaining what he wanted. Sarah ducked behind Logan. Logan did the camera work There was a lot of special effect work. They improvised the audio. Glenn listened and then watched the playback. They ran it nine or ten times. Sarah's dialogue is 95 percent what was recorded as they shot it. Glenn spent a week working on the visuals and 4-6 days working on the audio. Glenn had Logan re-record many of his lines in post based on a modified script.
Glenn felt that scripting it out might not be good. Sarah found the tunnel. Glenn wanted a "spooky" feeling. You are working at an insane pace and often you do not know what locations you are going to get.
With LG15 Glenn found it frustrating that if something did not come out OK (did not work) there was no opportunity to re-work it. For example with the Cowboy video Jessica was going off to do a movie so there were severe time constraints. Miles approved the changes to the draft. Miles oversees everything. Mesh participates in the story meetings. There were some missed communications. Glenn wanted to add some Jackson audio but the video had to go up that night.
Quality vs deadlines? Moonlighting had a lot of production problems and it took its toll. --- Glenn has an interesting way to expand our "presence". It should not affect the viewer but it should communicate better with new "fans" by additional distribution. Stay tuned..... --- "Cut To The Chase " was similar in that Glenn only had an outline and the idea for the warspy device. --- There are a million reasons why things get changed so bear that in mind as Glenn reads the scripts. Remember that things evolved when you are creating a video. --- "Watch This" - the watcher was outside Jonas' place.
Glenn narrated the original script of the video that he turned in. Here is the final video:
Watch This!
This was shot the say after Human Ransom. Glenn was working on "Miss Me" while it was being shot. --- " The Human Ransom" - original title: "Bree and Tachyon in bff" (Best Friends Forever). It could probably had a more catchy title to draw in more views. The "Daniel is Missing" video had more views!
Glenn narrated the original script. Here is the final video:
The Human Ransom
Hats off to Amanda who is a fantastic producer. She had the idea about asking Miles father for access to an office building and did a great job of the blocking for the shoot. She even had options for the flash bang can.
With RedEarth88 Glenn misses working with Amanda. --- Glenn said Greg Gallows is "sexy". --- Glenn talked about Jenni, Mic and Pill who started as viewers and now work on RedEarth88. He would like to expand on that in 08. --- Glenn is shocked that there is not an LG15 DVD. He wishes it was out. He would love to provide whatever commentary is needed. --- "The 10 Week Outline"
With LG15 they have an internal numbering system. When Glenn was there "Season 1" internally was everything up to "On The Run". Up until the week they took Jonas hostage in the cabin was "Season 2". "Season 3" started with the week before aunt Alex showed up.
Glenn read the 10 week outline of "Season 3" where aunt Alex and Sarah were introduced (along with Sarah's sister). It turned out so much different from how it was originally envisioned. The outline has no reference of Jonas going to the vet.
Glenn said it is a trip to see how this arc worked out since he created Sarah and aunt Alex, and co-created Taylor.
Glenn went from a writer to being a story editor. The story editor oversees the the continuity. A lot of things would change. Glenn said he needed some official capacity since he was fixing problems. The source of a lot of conflict was that things would still change in the script and he was not given the "final pass". Miles and Glenn would talk a lot. They talked about the "new girl" for a long time. It was needed to put Bree in a new context. Bree could become pro-active. The new girl arc was put off a lot. There was an investor involved but there was no revenue so there was not enough of a budget to do casting.
A lot of stuff from " The Unthinkable Happened" up until the "new girl arc" was stories they came up with because they could not do the new girl arc. Glenn was disappointed with how it was executed.
When Glenn came into the show Bree was going to get something from her father and it would affect other girls. Then there was a lag because they would have had to do the "new girl arc". This is why it took so long to end up at Jonas'. There were external reasons. Glenn helped end the arc and begin the new girl arc.
Glenn had nothing to do with the Katheryn MacPhee episode. There were "Glenn weeks" and then "Mesh weeks". Glenn contributed in some of the re-writes.
The idea of Daniel getting captured was one Glenn had. He felt the show would work best if you separated the characters. Coming back from "Jonas being tied" up Glenn was tasked with writing an outline.
Either Glenn or Miles would type up the notes from the story meeting for the next weeks production. Glenn was trusted with the task of writing 10 weeks. Glenn knew how a TV show was run. He gave out homework to Miles, Mesh, Greg, and himself for how they envisioned the 10 week arc. They had a brainstorming session. (spitball session). Glenn had a pitch for Cassie. They took the basic ideas and Glenn did a ton of research: Structure of the Order. Ways they could flesh out the story and concepts. Originally the idea was that Tachyon could be introduced as a strong female protagonist if Jessica left the show. Glenn does not know the business details of what went down with Jessica.
Glenn was worried they might have the idea to "rip off Tachyon" for another character but that was not what they were thinking. They said Glenn could make up the character that was the sister of the new girl. They also wanted girls for Daniel to make out with. Tachyon had a crush on Daniel. They wanted Daniel to get some play because that's when Bree would realize she was into Daniel.
They needed to hook Daniel up. The needed a "slutty girl". They had been talking about casting. What if they had the sister be the slutty girl. The arc would start out with the girl seeming to be inconsequential. Compare to Buffy the movie where the girl starts out as inconsequential. The slutty bad girl made sense. If her sister was chosen for the ceremony her parents would not pay attention to her and that's why she would become slutty. Then she would go from depressed to avenging her sister.
Glenn read from his own e-mail: Feb 15, 2007 Story arc
"Season 3" - control of their own destiny -they need to fail in a situation - introduction of new character - bible research for the Order - he named Sarah because of Loveline.
Realize that a lot of things turned out different. Miles posted something in late April. He was bummed about how the series was going. An actress had backed out.
(Sarah's sister was not supposed to be Sam)
Glenn wrote short summaries of the 4 story arcs for a 10 week period.
--------------------------------------------- Arc 1 - Aunt Alex - resistance demise Arc 2 - Bounty hunter - sent to capture Bree on behalf of a rogue leader Arc 3 - The ceremony new girl -Bree needs to convince Molly that she needs to back out of the ceremony Arc ? - Molly has disappeared. Molly's sister is Sarah. Bree saves Molly. They escape but its too late for some. Arc ? - Sarah and Daniel. Tachyon - new resistance ---------------------------------------------
Week.1 - infighting - icebreakers gum, aunt Alex (late 20, kind of a bitch) - evidence of bomb shelters
Week.2 - Daniel has a crush on aunt Alex. Bree does not like Alex. Bree goes to meet Tachyon. We learn Alex is part of the Order. Alex overseas Jonas' trust fund. *new video stream appears - recovery mission
Week.3 - Bree gets an urgent message from Tachyon. We see them filmed from a distance. They have a run in. The point of view is that of a bounty hunter who is working on behalf of a rogue elder. Zodiac of Denderah . They avoid another run in and TINAG post a video to fake out the Order.
Glenn had been to universal studios and had seen the European set. Glenn pitched the idea of making a video that make it look like they were in New York. Glenn build a rig to attach the camera to the sun roof of his Expedition. They would post the first video on a Thursday (New York, New York) and then they would post the bounty hunter perspective on Friday.
The "bounty hunter arc" was nothing like how it was envisioned.
Wk 4 - we learn that the ruse did not work. The bounty hunters have a very short life span (PCP?). They need to keep up until the bounty hunter expires. * a new blog stream appears from a new girl - other videos appear from other girls.
The bounty hunter was the shadow. (Glenn wanted to call them "sheut-ka" - (sheut = shadow, ka = life force).
Glenn was happy that the watcher appeared out of nowhere and saved the day. He had wanted to do something like that for a long time.
Week.5 - group has fled to bomb shelter. Tachyon lets them know about the other girl posting. The fans help find the chosen girl. We learn the girl is known as Molly. She lives in Wikenburg, Az (see the Lucy Google map). Molly was to be the ceremony girl. Taylor was supposed to be the decoy.
" Call Me Jules" - idea like the Flock. ARG like. Almost like screen tests with different characters.
The bounty hunter and aunt Alex - introduction of different bad guys" An evil scientist. Trait positive girls who were not potent enough. Experiments to make their blood more potent. What if there were more elders than ceremony girls.
The Order might say forget about Free Will. They could get desperate. Compare to Blade 3. A facility where girls are being harvested for their blood. Crazy over the top stuff.
Pay offs: Zodiac of Denderah Wickenburg, Arizona - Aleister Crowley
Week.6 - Bree makes contact with Molly. Molly thinks about backing out of the ceremony. Molly has a sister called Sarah. Molly is the "good daughter" where as Sarah is the "bad daughter". Sarah is their biological daughter. She is a slutty bad girl named after the girls who call into Loveline with problems. She is looking for approval and acceptance much like Daniel. They had similar experiences.
Molly is sceptical after watching Bree's videos. Why would any girl do the ceremony after watching Bree's videos.
Bree feels bad
Week 7 - Molly is open to doing the ceremony. Molly disappears. Wickenburg ...... Bree sees Sarah for the first time. Bree knocks on the door. We see Molly's bedroom. Someone is there.
cf: 10/12/06 what if we saw Bree's web cam go on and the bedroom was empty?
Week. 8 - Bree regrets not busting down the door. Sarah arrives at the bunker. The video from the bedroom was hers. They all head to the ceremony and take video cams to expose the Order. Molly turns the tables on Bree. Bree essentially had encouraged Molly to do the ceremony.
Lucy could have reedited the videos from confiscated cameras.
The week ends with a Tachyon video.
12 Zodiac signs. - Glenn had a fascination with the number 12 and also wanted to work in the idea of alchemy.
Glenn was not really into the zodiac stuff but he made an effort to research it and take it down the path of alchemy.
New ceremony girl - Glenn liked the idea of having a hard cored true believer who would betray the group. It would make her a very tragic figure.
This would have place the ceremony around April 20.
Week. 9 - Sarah is pissed. Molly is dead. It looks like Sarah will leave the group. Daniel goes with Sarah to her home There are boxes packed up. Bree is floored by the fact that a girl died in the ceremony. Jonas cautions Daniel about taking advantage of Sarah.
Week. 10 - Bree returns. Tachyon has a "new resistance". There are other girls preparing for the ceremony. They need the girls to question authority. Bree's dad was working on a cure. Similar ceremony though time. Napoleon -Crowley connection?
Sarah opens up. Daniel shows her how to operate the camera. Confessional. Sarah mocks Bree.
End of "10 week arc". -------------------- With Sarah and Tachyon, Glenn wanted each character to have a clear agenda. They needed a clear loss so their later success would be meaningful. They needed to feel responsible. We would not see it coming that Sarah would become a long term member of the cast. Molly turning out to be "bad" would have been a surprise. Molly flipping out on Bree would have been a really cool scene. --- Jessica's contract was still going during that arc. Why did her appearances decline? --- Random notes:
Serotonin / antidepressants: Helpers could be like an antidepressants. Helps keep the blood potent.
Fake ceremony - would Lucy really have been promoted in the real world since she keep "phailing"?
There was always a split over whether to introduce Cassie. She was never to be a ceremony girl. --- Idea was to outline the "A" plot story.
Glenn officially left LG15 on March 15th. There were other tensions at the time. The videos suffered from Glenn's absence. Glenn feels for those who he left behind who had to work on the videos without him. Glenn got a very nice e-mail recently from Greg.
An actress was cast for Molly and that is probably who backed out. She was a red head. Glenn's idea would have been blond hair and blue eyes. --- Glenn thanked the Anchor Cove crew for their comments which have helped make him a better writer. With RedEarth88 he had a chance to start fresh with an awareness of all the concerns. --- "LGPedia is pretty F------ awesome" - Glenn 2007 --- The YouTube partner program: what does it all mean? YouTube is just part of the strategy. You also need investors. There will be a big push in the new year. --- RedEarth88: Glenn thought it would be easier if he did not need to go down to LA to direct the videos. Instead, Sarah has been shooting the videos and giving Glenn lots of great options.
When Glenn directs he can crank out a video fast because he can "see" the finished product as he is shooting it.
With the current system Glenn or Mike go through the footage and figure out how to make it work. This was Glenn's idea on how to save time and he did not realize the impact until recently. Mike "cuts to the script" from the footage he has and does an excellent job. Its just not what Glenn would have done if he had been there directing. Mike chooses great "takes", but its not working in the way Glenn envisioned. Glenn spends time with the video and tries to make the best video he can with the footage that is available. He has to find an altered vision within the video based on the footage.
This is why it has taken longer. With the next batch Glenn will go to LA and direct the videos because it is taking 5 times longer to edit them the way he has been doing it.
Mike edits to the script and does a really wonderful job. When Glenn edits he has more latitude because he has the freedom to make revisions.
Glenn accepts responsibility for his mistakes. It sounded like a great short cut but did not end up that way.
By 3pm PST Thursday there will be a new RedEarth88 video. Enjoy the music and the shout out for Zoey!
--- "For The Ladies" - Written by Glenn. Miles and Yousef improvised a lot.
Jonas is in the den and talks in a mock documentary voice. Daniel is going out in search of a lady.
Glenn read the original script.
For The Ladies
The jokes that made it into the video were funnier than the original script. Credit to Miles.
Glenn liked the idea of Daniel and Jonas not doing typical guy things. For example they could both talk about their feelings. In part that is based on one of Glenn's own friendships. Stereotypical characters do not interest Glenn. Those are the people you outgrow in life.
Glenn likes the drama and conflict he was trying to set up between Bree and Daniel They were both "emotionally retarded'.
When Glenn creates a character he knows what their "issues" are. He knows how they would react to any situation. He hopes that makes for compelling characters.
----------------- Played @ Song Title ------------------ 02:18:53 The All-American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret 02:14:41 Michelle Branch - Goodbye To You --- 00:17:43 Creeper Lagoon - Chance Of A Lifetime 00:12:45 Counting Crows - A Long December 00:09:48 Mitch Hedberg - Six People Isn't Convincing 00:06:35 Mitch Hedberg - Fire Exit 00:01:24 Marky Mark - The Touch -------- 23:08:27 JFJ Band - Sold Me Out 23:05:09 Kelly Clarkson vs The Pixies - Where U Been Gone (Glenn Rubenstein Remix) - tiny clue: ysmhqv 23:02:33 Ridel High - Monsters Under Your Bed -------- 22:39:57 MC Lars - The Roommate From Hell -------- 22:08:28 John Parr - St. Elmo's Fire (Man In Motion) 22:08:24 BreeFM Drop 22:03:59 Night Ranger - The Secret of My Success 22:03:48 Alana Stone - I Will 22:01:19 David Barton Harris - Blame It On the Sun
On Christmas day we tried our best to be merry even though we're terribly worried about Dr. Hart. Emma made some gingerbread cookies and Daniel whipped up a brew of hot apple cider (don't worry, it was non-alcoholic). We mostly sat around all day watching your typical Christmas day movies: It's A Wonderful Life, Elf, and that movie where the kid puts his tongue on the flagpole. It was pretty uneventful, which is why we haven't uploaded a video. However, a few hours ago, Daniel checked the mailbox and discovered a surprise - a red velvet stocking. Inside was nothing but a flash drive. We were kind of freaked out at first, since we were pretty sure it was Virgil's "gift." After debating whether to open it or not, Emma finally just picked it up and put it in the computer. There was only one file on it - "P. Monkey Email." It was kinda freaky at first, but then we got excited. After Daniel sent the file to La Rezisto, which turned out to be nothing more than the Rogue Elder, we thought we'd lost this precious information forever. I guess Virgil must have recovered it after he took out Claire. Virgil, if you're out there, thanks for getting this back to us. We're not sure what to do with it and we have a few things we need to deal with before we make it public. I promise we'll be more careful with it this time and your efforts to get us the file won't go in vein.
Later, Jonas
P.S. Seeing the email and reading the words "P. Monkey" kinda depressed me.
"We had the traditional pumpkin and apple pies for dessert but I decided to try something a bit different and made Cranberry Poached Pears. They were a hit!" - Jerry
Thanks again to SparkyBennett for the idea of doing a poll...overall you guys felt I should trust Jerry. So I set up the camera and, well, you'll see...
Dad found out I'd been talking to some people outside my "circle." (That's what he calls my safe group of friends who are part of the same religion) He got all angry...he even looked a little scared. I don't get it. Why is it so wrong to have friends outside our religion?
Wait, I'm being dumb. If our leaders say it's wrong...then there must be something about it that is wrong. I say I'm never going to be subverted by people of other faiths. I know and love my religion, and I'm sticking with it. My song IS my life. But Dad says that many people over time have said that, and that doubt is tricky.
I don't want to doubt. I don't want to fall away. Without my song...You have to understand. We all have a song. It's sort of like...I dunno, like your drum beat (if you know Thoreau). It's inside of you, all around you. It guides and comforts and...really just makes everything in life okay. Without my song, I'd be unhappy all the time. With my song, I see the music in everything, and it is so beautiful.
I don't want my song to be taken from me. If any of you out there know what I'm talking about...please...tell me what to do?
The Creators December 25th, 2007 at 12:38 pm Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Unfortunately due to technical issues we won’t be able to upload a video today. Enjoy Christmas with your families and stay tuned for a new lonelygirl15 video tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy KateModern http://www.lg15.com/katemodern/?p=170
We are having MAJOR issues with YouTube and can’t upload any videos. We will keep trying for awhile, but it’s Christmas Eve and we have some family obligations. We will keep you posted and hopefully things will be fixed tomorrow. Thanks so much for your understanding and Merry Christmas. Also, here’s a really funny video to keep you entertained for tonight!
P.S. - A few of us are Jewish and find this video absolutely hilarious! It doesn’t offend us at all:)
--------- Chinese Food On Christmas - BrandonHarrisWalker
For the sheet music, mp3, or ring tone, go to brandonwalkermusic.com
Happy Holidays!
And now, a word from the writer . . .
A number of people have expressed their discontent with the way Jews are portrayed in some of the scenes in this video. To these people I say, the music video for 'Chinese Food On Christmas' is a satire. It employs outrageous scenarios, such as a car full of Jews slamming on the brakes to pick up a coin, to show just how silly and ridiculous our stereotypes can be. Jews are one of the most charitable cultural groups in the world, and anyone who takes any time to look into these stereotypes will realize that they are simply untrue.
Happy Holidays everyone! Some of the fans out there have decided to give y'all a Christmas bonus in the form of videos! It all started with the all new RedEarth88:
The Rachel Audition - RedEarth88
Bonus Audition Footage - Acidfingers
Super Awesome Bonus of Old Footage - Cloudax
Bonus Audition Footage - DHallows
P.Monkey's Audition Tape - hopefulsemblance
Bewbs and Pubes: Audition Take - imperkydammit
And as a special Christmas present, brought to you by acidfingers and greggallows:
Would you like to see a 3rd LG15 Series entitled "Hiram Abiff" in 2008, with a new cast of characters. Filmed in the Beautiful City of Toronto, Canada, Putting LG15 in 3 different countries. This particular series would focus moreso on the bad guys/the Order. Equating 2 more Drama, Suspense. and Action!
I just found the lost audition tapes that LG15 had when they were trying to cast Bree's stuffed animal roles. Enjoy!!!
*Sorry, you might have to turn your sound a bit up and for some reason the video pixelates at some points... side effect from uploading this on my gram's computer maybe?*
In light of Greg Gallows' recent video, in which he tells of getting fired from his job because of his YouTube account (see the original post here), the LG15 Staff posted a message of support.
We saw Greg’s latest video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAtXEQ2yKZw where he announced he’d been fired from his job as a result of posting videos. We would like to officially say that this is completely ridiculous. Greg’s videos were not only hilarious, but actually made his employer look pretty darn cool. It would be wise for corporations to actually look to their employees for thoughts on how to market themselves and embrace emerging communities like Youtube. There is no way they could come up with something that connected to people like Greg’s videos. Sorry this happened to you, but we know you are creative and resourceful and will make something great out of this situation. Like a wise young girl once said, “when life gives you lemons…”
Bree's said "When life gives you lemons ... You make lemonade!" in House Arrest, back in September 2006. The music from that video was a song by Jacqueline Nassar , who performed it live as a response video to Bree's video:
"It's a shame that people live in so much pain. I'm not going to let pain get me down. When you feel down, I'll be around, to pick you up off the ground. If you need a friend, I'll be around."
Here's a winter postcard from an elderly YouTuber (click to watch the video):
UrgeIt writes: "I hope you will enjoy this short poem by Robert Frost. This is really more of a soundscape than a video, but there are some beautiful winter photographs to see."
Add to My Profile | More Videos "Anxiety" - Eric and Dylan spar over politics and Dylan’s work. Lisa gets an intriguing response to her reel on quarterlife.com
So I'm back...and I feel so stupid. Charlie's been great and she's letting me stay with her for now. I don't know why after the way I treated her. Gavin's not too happy about me being here... It feels so weird to be back. I haven't written here for ages.
Oh I have to go now - Gavin wants to use the computer...
I hope you're all well and are looking forward to Christmas!
This contest, which included an entry submitted by Jeromy Barber's character, student and Maddison Atkins documentary maker Clara Stokes, ran into problems with voting and with some participants turning off voting by viewers, so the organizers decided to turn the evaluation entirely over to a panel of judges. Most participants felt this was a fair decision, and had the benefit of greater visibility of each entry to industry experts.
Follow the link above to see the winners, announced December 19. The top 6 will be announced January 7 and travel to L.A. for the final round, with the final two winners of $25,000 cash and Fox production contracts to be awarded by January 25th.
I am over a week late at posting this on the blogspot, but I figured better late than never. Just know that if anyone hurts our dear ziola they will face the wrath of a very pissed off army. - GG
From Rockindanceteacher (Ziola) :
"I thought I would make sure that everyone knew exactly who I am with...in case something happens."
Marcello Daciano (sometimes credited as Mihai Mihalache) is a writer and director for lonelygirl15. He was first credited in lonelygirl15 Season Finale 1 of 12 – 8 am. He was also responsible for directing the controversial first LaRezisto video, We Reach Out. Marcello, who has dual citizenship in Italy and America, speaks Italian, Romanian, English, French, and is learning Spanish.
Before getting invovled in Lonelygirl15, Marcello Directed 2 Features "Imaginary Friend" and "2wenty9ine" and also the Short Film "I Hope". He also directed MUSIC VIDEOS for Laura Pausini, Ligabue[2]and DJ Project; COMMERCIALS for : NOKIA (MARRY ME - 2001) and AT&T (THE BUTCHER - 2007); TV: Episodes of the popular television shows Like "Heroes" and "CSI:MIAMI" (Credited as Mihai Mihalache).
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