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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Finding Help - Jonas (LG15)

Daniel, Sarah, I know you guys are upset, but I had to take Emma and try to figure all this out. - Jonas


  1. those moves look suspiciously like the ones Bree was doing to prepare for the fake ceremony with Lucy. just saying.

  2. So is Claire the new Tachyon? With the training and all, I mean.

  3. Says the vid is no longer available.

  4. hmm... here's a link that works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev4E-5oQ_m8

  5. Video relinked ;).

    Charliebrown, please check out the embed format as I have it (looks a little better on the blog than what you have been doing - old code style?)

    I just copy the embed code directly from the YouTube page for the video.

  6. Whatever happened to that girl Taylor?

  7. thats right! they do look like the same moves! either something else is going on her, or they aren't too creative.

  8. Why aren't we lighting candles for the Watcher? He's been here since the beginning?

  9. I don't think the Watcher died - I think he was just body slammed by a sonic wave emitted from Claire's palms with a nifty ninja-esqe move.

    But I think to be really effective, Claire should teach Emma to yell "NO!!!!! 911!!!!" and run away (to a "safe" adult).

  10. That house actually looked alot like the grounds where Bree was when Tachyon was training her....could this BE Tachyon?

    I hope not because I dont like this chick and Tachyon should be more kick ass and less....I'm special. lol



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