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Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Case of the Missing Response Videos.

Have you ever noticed how slow LG15 is to accept response videos on YouTube? Perhaps this is just part of their business model to drive traffic to LG15.com, or perhaps no one actually submits response videos to Lonelygirl15 on YouTube. Perhaps they are just too busy to preview all the videos (but I am sure the community would be willing to help out if that was the case). In the end who win and who looses? Is this being a good YouTube citizen? What are your thoughts.

Leave a comment below and let us know YOUR opinion!!!!!

NOTE: see http://lg15today.blogspot.com/2007/11/who-is-jack.html for related story.


  1. I think it would give some of the other "fan series" (series content produced by fans of LG15) a huge boost if they were accepted quicker on the Lonelygirl15 YouTube account.

    The LG15 site does accept response videos but this is a much more limited audience and because its on the site people are less likely to subscribe to a series. In the end its subscriptions on YouTube that lead to a series becoming viable and it would be nice to see some support from LG15 in this respect.

  2. "Jack" gets his video's approved right away... just sayin'... lol!

  3. Yea, I noticed that!!!!! That speaks volumes.

  4. Apparently "Jack" has friends in "high places" and is given special treatement.



    I guess if you are not canon you just don't count:(

  5. Yeah I did an article about him earlier this week, I think it's on the front page at the bottom.
    In his recent vid he mentions whatweird.com... and on whatweird.com they mention him back...
    which makes me HIGHLY suspicious.

  6. If they can find a way to do it without allowing all the other vids, I'd be all for it.

    A lot of people just post random vids as video responses that have nothing to do with the videos they respond to. I have never liked that.

  7. They already approve them on the main site so they know their fans.......or I would hope that by now they do.

  8. What virginian9000 said.

  9. what about lonelyjew15? is jenni not submitting those as response vids anymore? the way i found series like that was thru video responses!

  10. I have always submitted the Dream vids as a video response, to the LG15 account on YTube and never been rejected. The longest its ever taken has been 2 days I think.

    Thats a good question about Lonelyjew. Maybe now with so many characters haveing their own accts, its hard to keep track...just a guess. We always could ask her.


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