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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I've Had Enough...


OK, you know what? The Creators are people too.



  1. since lg15 is PG-13 we are not allowed to reveal the creators' atrocities to the children.

  2. lol, give him a year. . . . .

  3. I'm 26 and I think this is the smartest thing I've read on this site in months.

  4. I agree that they're human. I agree that they make mistakes.
    I'm pretty sure Amanada has a pleasant personality and phone voice.
    That's pretty much all the positive I have for this one.

    Except the 12 year old writer. No spelling mistakes and proper use of contractions. I'm impressed. That kind of thing is a rarity these days.

  5. Lol anonymous... It is with the wit of years(...errr... puberty)that we learn to discern what is right and what is wrong. I am an oldie, maybe one of the oldest in this site and I have seen my share of everything. I admit, I love the show, but there are some stuff that go over the top. About the ideas, we wouldn't have a problem for them to use it... if they don't say "oh we thought of it first!". We have said it for years now "GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE" and we would all love it. 24 on 24 was a QtheC idea, the LGinside is a mock of this blog and the Prom was all Perky!!!
    We got tired of solving puzzles in the comment board and then see the credit give to others (whose name shall not be spoken), I was AMAZED to see Amanda gave a shout out to Comments by way of a dare!!! If that would have come maybe 18 months ago this community would have been 4times what is now....
    Let's call it how it is people. Hon, you're 12 now, everything is nice and hunky-dory at your age...

  6. I agree that Amanda is now supporting comments .........but it comes how long after the World Wide comments board boycott to ask for changes??? We were supposed to have an IRC chat about that one too but Greg never showed up. We are still waiting Greg......at least the few of us who did not just leave because our concerns were not fully addressed by Greg's "comment".

  7. *sigh* I miss my old friends and the old days of LG15. Hey RiW and MM! Love you guys.

    Anyway, my .02. I am not a creative person as far as this goes. I don't come up with ideas here. However, I have made many close friends here, and I have participated in many things here. I will always and forever be a meeping comment board member in my heart. Albeit, I am more a lurker now because the feel of the place has changed so much, and it seems all of the "old members" have been run off. I believe that a person should be given credit when they come up with an idea. That is only fair, right?

    Meep and love

  8. Rosie! stop by more often. ;)

    And to the 12 year old author of the linked article - (same age as my niece), I thought what you wrote was well written, and pretty much dead right. There is some history to some of the complaints that you are likely unaware of, but I agree it is hard to understand the level and frequency of animosity that is expressed toward the Creators. I think things tend to get overblown and magnified when time passes and old concerns do not appear to be addressed. Small things accumulate. That's the best explanation I can come up with for the negativity.

    But generally speaking, people stay around if they find a reason to, or leave if they don't. We each make choices every day how we want to spend our time, and where we invest our effort.

  9. By the way, for what it is worth, I am pretty sure Greg acknowledged that the "12 in 12" was based on fan suggestion (started by me as 24 in 24, but developed by others, especially Immortal1 who first suggested 12 in 12 specifically). See:


  10. Wow, that 12-year-old can write!

  11. Very good read! I am so glad that someone picked this up-- and a twelve year old for that! I am about to be fourteen, and I remember when I was twelve in the community. People weren't as nice back then, though...

    But anyway, I agree with this 100%. The point of LG15 is the community, and to use their ideas and feedback. It's a collaberative movement.

    Anyway, I loved it, and I am glad that the community, and the voice of someone people wouldn't expect, would rise up to this.

    (P.S., Thank you for spelling correctly. It makes me happy to see younger people not falling into the abbreviations and lowercase I's. That was never my style, and I'm glad it isn't your's, either :D)


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