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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Slavery! Prop 8: The Web Series Episode 3 - The Fine Brothers (TheFineBros)

Starring :
Maxwell Glick as the Husband
Katie Locke O'Brien as the Wife
Dayannah Coleman as the Slave Girl

Sound by the lovely Heather Schneiter
Every episode we will take another part of the California Constitution and see what would happen if that right was taken away just like same sex marriages were taken away.

We did not make this series with any company or for any money. We made this on our own and with the help of other great cast and crew to make a statement against the passing of Prop 8 and a message of equal rights for all.

Attorneys for same-sex couples, civil rights organizations and the state Attorney Generals office appeared before the California Supreme Court on March 5th 2009 to urge the court to strike down Proposition 8. At issue in the case is whether the initiative process can be used to take away a fundamental right only for one group of Californians based on a trait in this case sexual orientation that has no relevance to the groups ability to participate in or contribute to society. Because the case has serious implications for the constitutional rights of all Californians, it has generated unprecedented support from many national and state civil rights groups as well as California legislators, local governments, bar associations, business interests, labor unions, and religious groups.

The case before the Court is unprecedented because no other initiative-amendment has successfully taken away a fundamental right only for a particular minority. Because Proposition 8 would, for the first time, change the Constitution in a way that strips a minority group of its constitutional right to equal treatment under the law, California Attorney General Jerry Brown agrees that Proposition 8 should be struck down. The Attorney Generals office argued that the right to marry is an inalienable right that can not be selectively eliminated from one group without compelling reasons The California Supreme Court, which has struck down several other initiatives in the past, is expected to issue a decision within 90 days.


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