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Sunday, October 4, 2009

LG15: The Order - Pilot - All the World Will Know

What if you could live forever? Bree Avery.

Have you heard her story? For it is one of both exceptional courage and demise. A tale of sorrow for the weak, yet redemption for the strong. It is we strong willed people that will use these tragic events to move forward in the fight. A losing war. Until now. Her name was Bree Avery, and on August 3rd, 2007, her life was taken in front of millions across the world. But unlike the thoughts of many who have come and gone before, I believe her end is only the beginning. Bree did not die in vain. There is still hope. The Resistance has not been defeated.

For years, believers in the power of man, have banned together to take down the secret society that destroyed her beautiful world. They have made it clear that no matter the circumstances that stand before them, they will continue to take what they want from those who are special enough to possess it. Eternal life.

We have payed close attention the documentations those who take it upon themselves to stop these monsters at heart, who believe in nothing more than self indulgence. We have encountered The Resistance. Now, it is time to see this story from a new perspective. Through their eyes.

The Order: The Move Is Yours.

Our submission for LG15: TSIY 2!!!

Yes, we know there are a couple editing errors and we greatly apologize. The final version of the pilot is acually perfect, and in HD Widescreen, however it will not export correctly for some reason. I will be trying to fix it over the next couple of days and will post a better, final version sometime at the end of the week.
This show promises to take you on an inside look at the inner workings of The Order, and offers insightful flashback sequences such as LG15: The Resistance and LG15: The Last, but in a new, more innovative way! Also, there will be at least one live interaction within each week with both members of The Resistance and The Order, a live event in Los Angles, CA, and a 12in12 finale!

Hope you like it!!! - Jeremy Williams (Creator)

More news about: LG15:TSIY

Blogspot portal page for LG15:TSIY-2


  1. I sure hope Jeremy got permission for that footage he used from 2009: a True Story...

  2. Dude, I love it. And yeah, if he didn't get permission, he better, or EQAL won't be able to like, own it. Or whatever. Haha.

  3. Not perfect, but it still is well done. I love the LGPedia stuff because I'm a dork like that. :P

    Ditto on the rights issue. But if I recall, didn't it not really matter because EQAL doesn't have the rights at the time of the pilot's creation or something?

  4. I refuse to take this seriously until the word in the description, "vein" is changed to the word, "vain."

  5. Please don't let us get stuck with this.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. whats your problem? you guys are all so mean! I dont see anyone who has come even come close to what this guy/girl has accomplished. Sure, it's not perfect, but no one or no thing is! As for the 2009 A True Story clips, from what I recall you can use whatever archived footage and/or music you wish for the pilot, because it is not "canon" nor is it owned by EQAL. It is just an entry. Oh, and if you dont want this show, what one do you want?
    That blank one sitting over there? There is no other submissions, nor has anyone tried to make a pilot other than this!
    Guy, Girl, creator, whoever you are... great job! Very interesting pilot and I wish you the best!

  8. Not Michelle Abraham or Jeremy Williams (guy/girl?)October 4, 2009 at 7:42 PM

    Hey "Michelle Abraham", take a chill pill. There is still plenty of time for BETTER submissions to come through.

    And if the general majority is the fans don't like it, then that needs to be taken into consideration.

  9. Truthfully, you don't really know what I have or haven't accomplished. XP
    That said, I just want to point out that basic spelling and grammar can be important when making a first impression i this medium.
    It's only one mistake but it's sloppy enough to draw attention and easy enough to correct.
    If the author isn't going to take it seriously, why should anyone else?

  10. Oh! As for the video itself, I personally think it's a bad move to use any footage but your own. I'm not even sure that footage was even necessary to the overall point of the subject.
    I do appreciate the effort, and I wish them luck, but my honest critique is that it feels a little lazy to me.

  11. Well, it is possible that they just didn't have the time or budget to be able to film such an event as the president speaking in front of a crown of hundreds of people. Personally, I loved the pilot, great job! And the creator did change the grammar and spelling mistakes on both his youtube page and LG15.com account. I'm guessing he can't change it here because he didn't post it, modelmotion did. Cut him some slack. What's not to like about the pilot? Would you rather not have a show at all? I think it was amazing, and based off of the teaser summary in the description of the video, sounds like it has a lot of potential to kick this story back up to the greatness it had back in season one!

  12. I only wanted to make a pilot that would please all of you, and have fun while doing it. I am sorry for the grammar mistakes but who hasn't made them? Even EQAL themselves has... it happens! If you didn't like the pilot, that's great, and I'm sorry that you didn't. But for those of you who did, I am truly very thankful of your appreciation and effort to spread the news and stick up for me while I wasn't here. It means a lot, and I hope you can see what I do for this series. Thank you :)

  13. We will copy over the corrections from YouTube.

  14. I like it. :) I think the idea of a glimpse into The Order is a good one and a different take on the story. Good luck!

  15. Thank you so much Broken Kid and Modelmotion!!! Seriously, it means so much just to have at least one person like my video, but I now have pretty much the entire community rooting for me! Thank you all!!!

  16. Broken Kid and modelmotion do not eq(u)al the entire community. Not by a longshot. But they are some of the people who will be watching so there is that at least.

    And yes, I'd actually rather have no show at all than a subpar one full of potentially broken promises (which Jeremy has been full of his entire time here). We have no reason to trust him.

  17. And yet, for some reason, he shows his identity each and every time while you remain "anonymous". Hmm.
    And, http://www.dhrh.tk has been his series, I believe, for the entire time. Everything he has posted here has showed up in content there. So what promises has he broken? Exactly.

  18. Um, all of his videos were added in the last week. So if that is what you mean by "the entire time"...then yeah.


    You'll also notice that his "definition" of social show is almost totally copied from EQAL's mission statement. So there is that too.

    He has also attacked community members in the past for questioning him and his apparent lies about credits in his biography. It's all out there if anyone wants to bother to do their research.

    And I choose to stay anonymous because I don't want Jeremy attacking me. Which due to his past actions, I have no reason to believe he won't do.

  19. A side note on this "Everyonesconnectedtv", for an extended period of time theCoalition's tagline has been "It's all connected." While I am not saying he's stolen directly it just sounds... coincidental.

  20. The tagline for 6 degrees is Everyone's is Connected, not it's all connected, and sorry, but I don't even know what The Coalition is? Sorry for that, by the way, I will try and check into it. Also, the videos were added started last March, but I have privated them and re uploaded them recently in HD to benefit my viewers. That's what I get for trying to help? And I have never attacked any of you. I think I have actually been pretty nice. Instead of this being a fun contest that I have put all of my time and energy into for the past few weeks, it seems to be turning into a hate act against me. Is that fair? You can have your own opinions on the show, in fact I want you to be honest, but please be careful about the way that you are saying things. Imagine if you were in my shoes. Also, 2009 A True Story's footage I used wasn't originally their own either. It was stock footage, like mine, that is free for anyone to use. If EQAL wants me to change that, then I will create a whole new pilot with the same exact concept, because that is how much I want this. I am just trying to live out my dream, and it seems like many of you are doing whatever you can to back me down from all the hard work and progress I have put into making this pilot, along with 6'. I would really appreciate it if you would just stop looking at what you think I may or may not have done in the past, and look at now. Pretend like I didn't make the pilot, someone else did, and give your views on it from their. We are a community, not a debate club. We shouldn't be fighting like this. I just want to please all of you.


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