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Friday, September 30, 2011

Lonelygirl15 walks into reality.

In a few hours an intrepid young group of people will take to the streets of LA to fight the "big bad". While many might hope that it is the first day of shooting of "Lonelygirl15 the movie", it is not. There will be no ceremony and no trait positive will have their blood sucked out of them. Yet the parallels are unmistakable, only this time it is for real.

The struggle this time will not be against the Order, but rather a group identified as the "1%" with those taking to the streets representing the 99%. Like the Order, the 1% are accused of many things, but mainly an abuse of money, privaledge and power which should seem all to familiar to anyone who followed Lonelygirl15. Like TAAG, the group taking to the streets will be armed only with video cameras. Like those in "Occupy Wall Street" their mission will be peaceful but they will video record every move and upload it to Youtube. Information is their shield just as it was with Bree, Daniel, Jonas and the gang. One can only hope that Tachyon will be their to watch over them and ensure their safety. Yet, no matter what happens, the "age of empowerment" has begun. Bree would be proud.

But the parallels do not end there. Online, the community of people supporting the movement has grown. Like with Lonelygirl15 many are smart, well read, and creative so the conversations and dynamic are just as insightful as their counterparts were back in the day, as we tried to figure out what the Order was really about. The robustness of the community reminds me of what I miss about a "Web series" that embraced "social" in its DNA. The conversations intermingled with the actual content were often as enjoyable and envigorating as the content itself. This current movement online shares much of that same experience, as the online community tries to work with the "people on the ground". Anyone who participated in any of the old ARGs knows the power of coordinating online and offline efforts and this is no different. I miss Lonelygirl15 passionately, but finding a substitute in something real is not something I expected. Yet, it is real in every sense of the word.

Tune into tomorrow for OccupyLA: http://occupyla.org/
Oct 1st Occupation / Protest Location
LA City Hall
200 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA

Watch live streaming video from owslosangeles at livestream.com

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