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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Who is Marcello Daciano?

From LGPedia:
Marcello Daciano is a writer and director for lonelygirl15. He is first credited in lonelygirl15 Season Finale 1 of 12 – 8 am. He was responsible for directing the controversial first LaRezisto video, We Reach Out.
Marcello was born as Mihai Vlad Mihalache in Milan, Italy. He currently has dual citizenship in Italy and America. He speaks Italian, Romanian, English, French and is learning Spanish.
He has a Master from Universita Di Milano in Political Science and a B.A in Sociology. He enjoys tennis and yoga.

Marcello Daciano on LGPeida.

Marcello Daciano on IMDB.

LGpedia needs your HELP!

The Grand Canyon Crew: Kevin, Yousef, Katherine, Alexandra, Jackson Amanda, Marcello

NOTE: Kevin Schlanser on LGPedia.


  1. For some reason when I first read that I thought it said a B.A. in Scientology.

  2. Great B&W photo! He is Hot! He looks like a dark Johnny depp!

  3. WOW! Hello Mr.Eye Candy Director!
    Can you guys post more photos and info about him?


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