We're with Jerry on this one... - LonelyFrenchman15
Anne, don't trust this Greggerz guy under any circumstances... Freeze the Fuzzies! Sorry the video was so long, we thought it made up for the lack of last week's videos.
Anne, don't trust this Greggerz guy under any circumstances... Freeze the Fuzzies! Sorry the video was so long, we thought it made up for the lack of last week's videos.
Posted by
9:46 PM
Labels: lonelyjew15, UGC
Hard to describe the emotions that come up. Anywhere from sadness to resignation to unmitigated anger. There is no punishment too severe for the people responsible.
Music - "Meant to Be" Rob Costlow
Posted by
9:13 PM
Labels: UGC
lost some time once. It's always in the last place you look for it.
4d 79 4d 69 6e 64 49 73 4e 6f 74 4d 79 4f 77 6e
Forum Thread
Posted by
5:23 PM
Labels: UGC
The Shadow of Elder Dr. William Porter was first seen during Emma's escape. After Porter's death, the Shadow was seen watching the TAAG outside of the cabin at Big Bear Lake. He has since released a video, revealing that he has seen the TAAG's videos, and has every intention of avenging his Elder's death.
Porter's Shadow is listed in the credits for Bloodlines:_Part_3 on LGPedia.
Tom Snyder
Tom made his debut on lonelygirl15.com on January 25th, 2008, as Dr. William Porter's Shadow. A native of Columbus, Ohio, Tom graduated from Otterbein College with a degree in broadcasting in 2005, and in 2007, he covered Friday night football at Central Ohio High School with his friend, Scott Bacon.
Posted by
4:45 PM
Labels: Community, lonelygirl15
I swear to my song I didn't modify the audio, it's exactly as it is http://youtube.com/watch?v=C8I4zFSipKs there. They really do fit together that well. o_O
Also, http://img143.imageshack.us/my.php?image=alanruckterminatorfg7.png
Posted by
4:11 PM
Labels: UGC
I think i helped you, dont you think?
March 08, 2008
hey Jonas, i have see the recent action going on with you guys.
I will be in the location of Huntington Beach Pier in 3 days. i will let you know the location.
Please listen to me and just trust Mason & Me, we are your friends.
I don't expect to have much time to chat, but if you trust me, meet me there.
ill let you know if plans change.
From: http://www.youtube.com/user/jonastko
Posted by
3:00 PM
Labels: UGC
I know, I know, the title's a bit... weird... but, here's the thing.
A few months ago, I was listening to QtheC on BreeFM. He was doing a Gong show where YOU, the listeners, could gong songs, meaning you could ask him to move on to the next song. He used SXSW2007 songs for this. I'll will be doing this all over again except with SXSW08 songs, and, instead of a gong, you shall hear a nipple sound effect. It's like South by Southwest, QtheC, and FOBlife, all rolled into one!
Also, topics I may talk about:
-My science fair project!
-The infamous eraser drop
-My addiction contest lg15 picture
-My apricot trees :D
-How stupid shadows are...
-QL marathon on Bravo!
-Anything else you want me to talk about!
Thanks QtheC for the idea!
Edit: I realized I forgot to give the time, and I'll only be around for 1/2 hour starting at 6 PST, unless Kira is not on, in which case I'll be on earlier.
Posted by
1:27 PM
Labels: Community
Brother -
I've followed your instructions. They won't be able to find this video for the next couple of days. You have until next Friday to fulfill your end of our little bargain. Don't let me down.
Not much is known about this series yet. Few videos so far, with lonelygirl15 related tags and red territory related tags on the videos. Looks like its worth following.
Posted by
12:30 PM
Labels: UGC
They hit a wall. A wall called the Organization.
"Angel from Montgomery" performed live by Ginger Zheng at the Cotton Club, Shanghai. First album: Silent Partner, KROC Recordings, 2007.
Additional music by impulse. Visit theCoalition
Posted by
7:59 AM
Labels: Red Territory, The Coalition, UGC
"L'opinion des hommes ou leur flatterie attribue à certains mortels des naissances particulièrement merveilleuses mais à coup sûr fabuleuses. Ainsi Alexandre le Grand serait le fils, non de Philippe de Macédoine, mais de Jupiter Hammon ; Remus et Romulus seraient nés de Mars, et Platon de la vierge Périctione séduite par une apparition d'Apollon. C'est ainsi que les païens ont voulu démontrer leur origine divine, de même encore que Thessalos, fils du médecin Hippocrate, s'efforce de faire croire entre autres aux Athéniens qu'il tire son origine d'Apollon. Mais nous demeurons incrédules à leur égard, sachant bien que ceux à qui ils prétendent faire remonter leur race n'ont existé ni comme hommes, ni comme dieux. Et s'il s'agit de héros qui ont pu paraître parmi les mortels comme des êtres divins, nous nous rendons compte que de tels récits ont été inventés par l'adulation de leurs sujets, de leurs disciples, et de tous ceux qui ont vanté leurs exploits au monde, et qu'ils ont été introduits dans l'opinion du vulgaire par des écrits mensongers. Mais c'est dans des conditions toutes différentes que les philosophes attribuent à leur fils une conception et une naissance inhabituelles."
music by impulse Visit theCoalition
Posted by
7:53 AM
Labels: Red Territory, The Coalition, UGC
The Quarterlife.com webpage has been updated slightly, and it appears webisodes will continue to be released online, but a little earlier than previously. The website says "New episodes will now stream every Sunday and Thursday at 9:00PM PST/Midnight EST."
Posted by
12:18 AM
Labels: News, quarterlife
Sparky stands right on the spot
View her from the mountain top
Spin 180 like a ball
See me, meet me at the hall
Up the hill from the gate
Here 32x558
I'm not much for poetry but if you can decipher this, you'll find us.
There had been recent speculation in The Coalition section of the LG15 Forums about a meeting location between PhiPunk and Carmine and Jiana Terrine. It would appear this video is conformation that Sparky Bennet had found the right location. Visit theCoalition
Posted by
8:24 PM
Labels: UGC
Based on the internet phenomenon lonelygirl15 (an ongoing series chronicling the life of fictional American high school student Bree), Real Life 365 will be a comprehensive database of videos submitted by users ages eight to sixteen recording their day to day lives.
Posted by
8:20 PM
Labels: News
Who are the Shadows? According to Aunt Alex, Shadows primarily serve as bodyguards to the Elders and are physically augmented by a variety of pharmaceuticals: modafinil, anabolic steroids, and amphetamines. They don’t need to sleep and they’re stronger and faster than the average person. A Shadow was responsible for the capture of Bree, Daniel, and Jonas during their travels in Las Vegas, in late March 2007.
Source: http://inside.lg15.com/2008/03/07/from-the-set-10/ Shadow on LGPedia.
LGpedia needs your HELP: Ways To Help
Posted by
7:01 PM
Labels: LG15, lonelygirl15
Billed as a cross between Buffy and Skins, the supernatural drama's second series killed off its main character in January, and now everyone is a suspect.
Commissioning Focus: Have broadcasters found the plot?
The experiment begins next month, when Kate Modern's final 13 episodes will appear in one day.
http://www.broadcastnow.co.uk/commissioning/focus/2008/03/commissioning_focus_have_broadcasters_found_the_plot.html (free registration required to read the full article).
Posted by
6:25 PM
Labels: KateModern, News
Won't be seeing you guys til Wednesday! Have a good weekend! - Mason
(ps) look for my blog to be officially opened sometime Monday.
I assumed this was his blog.
With this video on his blog is this comment- Anyone know any good places to get a new rear bumper? Smacked the snuff out of mine on the job...
Posted by
6:19 PM
Labels: masonishappy, UGC
Bebo has linked up with BBC Radio 1 to film an episode of online drama KateModern that will include cameos from DJs Nick Grimshaw and Tim Westwood.
The collaboration with the BBC will see an episode of the second series shot in Radio 1's Live Lounge studio during this Sunday's teen show Switch.
Posted by
3:01 PM
Labels: KateModern, News
I'm speechless. - Jonas
Posted by
2:35 PM
Labels: lonelygirl15
Watch More Videos Uploaded by www.bebo.com/ChazOnToast
Steve better not come near me again. When I move Im making sure he cant find me. Maybe Michelle Clore was right?
Posted by
9:04 AM
Labels: KateModern
Thought I'd take some time and introduce myself... - Mason
Posted by
5:04 AM
Labels: masonishappy, UGC
Bree first divulged detailed information as to the identity and character of her mother in How My Parents Met. In this episode, Bree explained how at the age of 21, the woman later known as Elizabeth Avery lived and studied in Edinburgh, Scotland. At that time, Bree's mother was working on a dissertation on Weyer Johann Weyer, a Dutch physician, occultist, and demonologist. This bit of information alludes to Bree's religion, which is host to a plethora of speculation that revolves mostly around Aleister Crowley, and Thelema.
Elizabeth has historically taken the offensive when arguing or debating with Bree's father as evidenced by their interaction when they first met at a showing of the play Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead. When she overheard Bree's father debating with a friend of his that the theme of the play is Determinism, she felt compelled to walk over to a man whom she had never met, and tell him he was completely wrong--that the theme of the play was Free will, a basic concept of many Thelemic sects. According to Bree's accounts, Bree's father was instantly "smitten like a kitten". In Living In London, Gemma describes how her mother met Bree's. In this story too, Elizabeth was debating and impressed Gemma's mother with her confidence.
Although both of Bree's parents are strict, her mother appears to be the stricter one. She reprimands Bree for crying because it projects weakness (Purple Monkey Returns), and disapproves of her watching mystery movies, even if accompanied by her father (see Mystery Movies).
In On The Run, Bree's mother appears briefly as a slim woman with dark brown hair. We do not see her face, but she appears to be quite young. Bree has had no contact with her since then. However, she did have the opportunity to briefly meet with her father on December 31st (The Unthinkable Happened), and she learned that they were not her biological parents (My Dad Said...). She does not expect to speak to her mother "anytime soon", but does not explain why. Perhaps her mother is dead, but even more likely, her mother might have been acting against Bree's best interests, thus rendering any further contact undesirable. Her father explains that Bree's mom had a higher position in the Order and therefore knew more than he did about their workings (Hiding In The Bathroom).
In FOLLOW YOUR HAPPINESS, Bree and Carl reveal that Elizabeth is still alive and working with the Hymn of One.
In Babe in the Woods it was revealed that Gina had, at one point in time, met Bree's mother.
And while the identity of Elizabeth Avery was a mystery for nearly two years, Gina finally revealed her name in Drawing in Bed.
Allison Probert
Allison is the actress who plays Bree's mom, as revealed by the Creators in a February 12th, 2007 update to the credits for On The Run. She is the 19-year-old cousin of Amanda Goodfried. Allison is currently studying Esthetics at the Marinello School Of Beauty.
Posted by
11:43 PM
Labels: lonelygirl15
you've got to hide your love away. Nessy and Cassie are part of the Hymn of One, and Nessy says that Bree and Cassie stopped talking after Bree found her father's trait negative research. Cassie then slipped into odd sleeping patterns and became extremely moody and depressed after her parents' deaths.
On January 2, 2008 Nessy entered #Hymnofone chat and answered questions and discussing ways to help Cassie. (see Messynessy89 chat 01/02 full). Nessy then decided to follow her sister the next day. Cassie caught her and took her footage, and, strangely, gave it back to her edited so it could be posted on Youtube.
The edits in the video were clues that led to a blogspot page in the name of a Dr. Hughbert Windham. He posted a blog on the same day Nessy posted her first video saying:
Cassie, if you're reading this, I must go away for a few days. I'll try to return by the weekend. Stay away from my house till then. Don't worry. Stay indoors. Eat well.
Yours truly,
Posted by
9:46 PM
Labels: UGC
What are you guys THINKING? - Mason Who is Greg Mason?
Greg Mason posted his first video on March 4, 2008, shortly after the live chat following the She's Ready video. His first video, The LG15 Live Chat Report, was critically acclaimed for its quick wit and clean production style. After his second video, there was speculation that Greg Mason might be canon. Following this video, Greg Mason made an appearance in the official LG15 chat and made some comments, which suggests to some that he is in fact a fan trying to interact with lonelygirl15 through a fan fiction series.
In his third vlog, "Calm Before the Storm?", Greg Mason offered help to TAAG. Both the second and third videos reference that Greg works at a hospital.
In the following video "What Have You Done?", Mason told Jonas that he agreed with the idea of going after Bree's mom, but he told Jonas it was a bad idea for TAAG to split up.
At this point it is assumed that Greg is a fan, but that is not clear.
masonishappy on LGPedia.
LGpedia needs your HELP: Ways To Help
Posted by
6:48 PM
Labels: masonishappy, UGC
I told you so I told you so I told you so!
*ends childish ranting* (
Posted by
6:20 PM
Labels: UGC
Angela decides to move back home and Brian only has a day to reveal his true feelings for her. Meanwhile, success goes to Rayanne's head, and Jordan continues in his quest to avoid the mainstream.
Posted by
5:28 PM
Labels: UGC
I feel like this is all my fault. - Gina What Have I Done? - Gina (LG15) on LGPedia..
LGpedia needs your HELP: Ways To Help
Posted by
3:45 PM
Labels: lonelygirl15
Since a large part of the previous discussion participants seems to agree with Zoey's listing, and this project has been going on for two months now, I guess it's time to set a schedule for the next phase(s)
Unless there are no major further objections, I'll create a preliminary final listing on February 29th. This, if not objected to, will be the master reference list for tier listings.
If there are no major further objections to the preliminary final listing until March 2nd, then discussion will be be ceased, and we'll commence the Revamp.
The Revamp will proceed as follows
Phase 1: Make a link-list of all Tier 1 fanfic, something along the lines of "List of additional user-generated content"; tag all Tier 1 and related pages for deletion.
Phase 2: Find and tag Tier 2-related pages such as lists of videos, categories, templates video pages and so on. Write up basic pages for each series.
Phase 3: Find and tag Tier 3-related pages such as lists of videos, categories, templates video pages and so on. Collapse information into the series pages where possible, write up extended pages for each series.
Phase 4: Identify the current set of pages Tier 4 pages have, and check with the page-list which ones are needed, and which aren't. Tag/expand as necessary.
Phase 5: Identify the current set of pages Tier 5 pages have, and check with the page-list which ones are needed. Expand as necessary.
Phase 6: Find and correct references to UGC content.
Phase 7: Declare Revamp over.
Phase 8: Monitor UGC/fanfic expansion, re-evaluate tier status where necessary, assess new UGC/fanfic, keep fanfic-list up to date, control Immo Regulations.
Posted by
1:06 PM
Labels: Community
Vannessa asks: Why in the world isn't Daniel the one going with Gina to find Bree's mom?
Posted by
11:57 AM
Labels: UGC
Hey peeps!
if you're tuning in to my show tonight, here's what you can expect:
Posted by
11:31 AM
Labels: BreeFM
quarterlife - part 35 - NEW EPISODE!
Add to My Profile | More Videos
"Home Sweet Home" - Vanessa fights with everyone but Danny. The conflict with the landlord escalates into war.
milowent said...
if you didn't post it yet, all of quarterlife will be on Bravo this sunday morning in a "marathon" 6 hour showing.
Posted by
11:18 AM
Labels: quarterlife
Nielsen released new stats today detailing online video metrics for January, and YouTube’s numbers actually dropped over those of December, both in terms of unique users and total streams
Posted by
11:17 AM
Labels: News
All Jonas wants is to protect his sister at all costs. All Emma wants is a normal life with her family. Neither feels they have control of their situation.
More photos:
The Buzz: the release of the latest batch of LG15 cast photos led to wild speculation on if, or when, Taylor and the Emma will return to active roles in the series.
Posted by
11:09 AM
Labels: LG15, lonelygirl15
Video Cam Direct Upload
Posted by
8:32 AM
Labels: UGC
Still haven't found anything out. Guys, contact me! - Mason
ps) I've got some fun stuff planned for tommorrow.
Posted by
7:01 AM
Labels: masonishappy, UGC
Look Anne, this is totally worth me hijacking your account for. What are you thinking!?
Posted by
5:43 AM
Labels: lonelyjew15, UGC
Watch More Videos Uploaded by www.bebo.com/DeepGoat
Posted by
5:40 AM
Labels: KateModern
Glenn, live on BreeFM @11pm EST, Wednesday.
This article was written live during the show. As such it may contain significant factual errors. Over time it is hoped that these will be corrected.
Eye of Rubenstein
Rising up, feeling so leet
Did his time, took some chances
Went the distance and he's still on his feet
Just a man and his will to be online
So many times, it happens too fast
You jack a voicemail for glory
Don't lose your grip on A.R.Gs of the past
Op and Tachy - you kept them alive!
You're the eye of the YouTube, who inspires the sleuths
Rising up through the spam and lisanovas
Forget the Hymn, you are the chanter’s proof
That you can make it with the eye of Rubenstein
On BreeFM or in IRC
Hangin' round, speakin’ his mind
He still has the Cowboy card up his sleeve
And we know he gave him the will to survive
Its the eye of the YouTube, and commenters who fight
Red Army's risin’ to the challenge of the rivals
Posting new comments with all of our might
To show the world what you see through the eye of Rubenstein
Risin' up, straight to the top
Of the most viewed pages on YouTube
Went the distance, now he’s not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to be online
You're the eye of the YouTube, who inspires the sleuths
Rising up through the spam and lisanovas
Forget the Hymn, you are the chanter’s proof
That you can make it with the eye of Rubenstein
The eye of Rubenstein (repeats out)...
Another random idea: RedEarth69? Ron Jeromy as Brother? This concept spawned the following humorous exchange in IRC chat:
01:06 immortal1 Redearth69 can be videos with nothing but cleavage shots and suggestive titles.
01:06 MicFranXon oh you mean LG15 immo?
Here is the archive of of stories from LG15 TODAY concerning Glenn's radio show on BreeFM.
Send questions to [email protected]
Posted by
7:59 PM
Labels: BreeFM, GlennFM, Mari Devincenzi
"Physiologists should think before putting down the instinct of self-preservation as the cardinal instinct of an organic being. A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength — life itself is will to power; self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most frequent results."
The third test came back with the following;
Neural Capabilities - 67% above average.
Physical Capabilities - 23% above average.
Observational Ability - 4% above average.
Computation Ability - 18% above average.
The drugs are proving ineffective. His powers are growing everyday.
Next test to be conducted on; March 25th, 'Verdus Medical Institution.'
Posted by
7:00 PM
Labels: UGC
Sorry about making this quick, but I didn't have a choice. Keep running until you're safe. Contact me if you need any help. - Mason Who is Greg Mason?
Greg Mason has a YouTube account and started making videos shortly after the live chat following the She's Ready video. His first video was The LG15 Live Chat Report which was critically acclaimed for its quick wit and clean production style. At this point it is assumed he is a fan but that is not clear. After his second video "Um...run." there was speculation that Greg Mason might be canon.
Masonishappy on LGPedia.
LGpedia needs your HELP: Ways To Help
From LG15 IRC Chat:
08:04 Masonishappy hey everybody!
08:06 Masonishappy yowza my keyboard seems to want to hold down shift and ctrl and random times
08:06 Masonishappy anywayz
08:07 Masonishappy anybody know how long it usually takes LG15 to accept a video response?
08:07 Masonishappy haha, youtube OR here.
08:10 Masonishappy I made and submitted to Lg15.com a response to the Live Chat about an hour after it happened, and just wondering if it took them a couple days
08:11 Masonishappy hehehe...maybe I AM.
08:11 Masonishappy bwahahaha
08:12 Masonishappy I'm doing a horrible job of keeping the fourth wall.
08:12 Masonishappy oh crap. I havent started a bunch of speculating, have I? ;P
08:13 Masonishappy I dont suppose there's a way to like...SAVE your name in the chat room, is there?
08:14 Masonishappy learn me plz
08:14 Masonishappy wowza...you guys are like awesome.
08:15 Masonishappy is it just ./nickserv or ./msg nickserv?
08:16 Masonishappy haha got that
08:17 Masonishappy whoo whoo! thx muchly :)
08:19 Masonishappy I've got a new vid up on my youtube channel for those interested :P
08:29 Server Masonishappy has quit IRC ("Java user signed off")
Posted by
4:48 PM
Labels: masonishappy, UGC
We're being hunted. I'm really freaked out! - Sarah Prey - Sarah (LG15) on LGPedia.
LGpedia needs your HELP: Ways To Help
Posted by
2:19 PM
Labels: lonelygirl15
Watch More Videos Uploaded by www.bebo.com/SteveBelieves
I haven't blogged for a while because I haven't really had anything worth saying. I still don't... Except I met this guy this afternoon and he seems very familiar...
Posted by
5:03 AM
Labels: KateModern
The LG15 Live Chat from MY point of view...I mean this is the lightest of tones, guys. No hard feelings, TAAG! -Mason
Posted by
4:52 AM
Labels: masonishappy, UGC
"Conrad Riggs, a producer with Mark Burnett Productions (Survivor), did make a “small investment” in Lonelygirl15 before the series started striking brand integration deals, and LG15 studios rents office space from Riggs in Santa Monica."
See related: Thanks, VISA and Mastercard
"Greg and I want to let everyone know that not only have we never received funding from MBP, we’ve also never had the pleasure of meeting Mark."
"Fortunately, we were introduced to a new media enthusiast through a friend and he helped us weather the tough times, let us squat in his office, and enabled lonelygirl15 to continue to grow. "
Posted by
4:44 AM
Labels: News
Wednesday, March 5th at 8PM PST on BreeFM
Mari Devincenzi returns as my guest and co-host for Wednesday night's show...
That's right, the voice of OpAphid will be back for another unpredictable evening of answering your questions, and talking about her perspective working with me on lonelygirl15, OpAphid, and REDEARTH88.
Of course, we'll also delve into other random events from the three years she spent working with me as my personal assistant, which is sure to provide all kinds of mothersmurfing hilarity.
Also - if you participated in the last "Red Army" effort and haven't gotten me your info yet, you need to email it to me before 5PM PST tomorrow! Details here.
Of course, you can also email any questions or comments for tomorrow night to [email protected] or stop by the #BreeFM chat during the show.
So please, join us on BreeFM TOMORROW NIGHT,
Wednesday, March 5th, at 8PM Pacific Standard Time, for what promises to be another eventful evening!
See you there!
Posted by
Glenn Rubenstein
8:26 PM
Labels: Mari Devincenzi
--> Download the audio.
If that link does not work for you, try grabbing a copy here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/yr030u (limited availability to 7 days I think). The file is called lg15_nowlive_chat_4march08.mp3 and is 5MB.
At 6:00 pm PST today there was an in-character Lonelygirl15 broadcast on www.NowLive.comwe heard Daniel, Jonas, Sarah, Jennie, and Gina discuss their next move.
----> Join the Lonelygirl15 RADIO CHAT. Following this video [She's Ready], there was a live in-character chat regarding what Gina should do. Audio can be found here.
Callers in chat were angelprincess808, angelgirlrider19, theaterjunkie, and midgetdance.
The chat ended with Sarah storming off, angry that Gina meeting up with Bree's mom was even being considered. Jonas changed his mind mid-chat and decided to support Gina in her quest. Daniel got upset that Gina could meet the same fate as Bree and decided to not help her.
The chat divided the TAAG into two factions: Gina, Jonas, and Jennie (who will search for Bree's mom, and answers); Daniel and Sarah.
LGpedia needs your HELP: Ways To Help
What did you thing about the chat? Leave your opinion in a comment below.
Posted by
6:41 PM
Labels: chats, Community, lonelygirl15
UK users may notice inthe last 24 hours they can not acess NowLive.com where the LG15 live event is taking place in a few hours.
This is becsaue the UK server for NowLive has went down.
I'm told they are working on it but it does not look like they will have it ready in time, if atall.
Posted by
4:37 PM
Labels: Community, lonelygirl15
:::Note::: the characters will only be on NowLive chat and NOT in the regular IRC java chat room.
TJMARSH: they will be on air.
TJMARSH: they wont be typing from what i been told.
If you are having a problem with NowLive contact their tech support: http://nowlive.com/support
We now have a NowLive tech help person into #OOGtalk to help solve any problems: http://java.freenode.net//index.php?channel=oogtalk
Posted by
12:38 PM
Labels: Community, LG15, lonelygirl15
Gina's ready to talk. Join us in a live chat tonight at 6:00 pm PST. - Jennie
She's Ready: Another victim of the 436?She's Ready is the latest in a string of recent Lonelygirl15 videos to fall victim to the awesome power of the 436. Since the 436 does not exist it is rather difficult to explain what it is. However our mega smart LGPedians have found a rather clever way to at least explain the basics of this extremely complex phenomena: http://www.lg15.com/lgpedia/index.php?title=437
The term 436 is used to describe something which does not exist.
Original Use
The number was originally used by fan Joe, claiming that the comment number 436 did not really exist, and should not be acknowledged to exist.
Note: the fact that Joe's comment appears as number 437 causes much confusion for people unfamiliar with the term. The comment was originally referring to the fact that the video Vegas, Baby! was intended to be private, but was available for all to view. The term "436" quickly caught on as pretending something does not exist, as it was the number between Joe's two comments 435 and 437.
Other Uses
Currently, the term has taken on an entirely new meaning, wherein viewers refer to videos that have been posted to lonelygirl15.com, but are not able to be viewed because they have been mistakenly marked private on YouTube.
This was no doubt spurred by the fact that, as long speculated, the lonelygirl15 video numbered "436" on the official site, I Love You All mysteriously was unavailable for something close to six hours after being posted. The official response to this was that it was a glitch in YouTube, but speculation as to the real reason is rampant.
436 in Videos
The number "436" has appeared in numerous KateModern videos, in the headquarters for internet channel JustIncredible.TV. Some have speculated that the reason the number appeared was due to the fact that the channel would never actually exist.
As mentioned above, the video I Love You All was numbered "436" on the official site, and was one of the first subjected to the new usage of 436.
What do you fear more: The Order or The 436?
Posted by
11:15 AM
Labels: lonelygirl15
Jonas... keep this in mind.
music: Evanescence- Fields of Innocence.
Posted by
11:14 AM
Labels: UGC
I just wanted to show you all what I received in the mail today!
Thanks to the cast and crew of LG15.
Thanks to Greg Gallows for working with me.
Posted by
10:25 AM
Labels: UGC
Watch More Videos Uploaded by www.bebo.com/ChazOnToast
All I wanted to do was come home to a nice, quiet, CLEAN flat after the crazy week we had on the road...
Posted by
5:51 AM
Labels: KateModern
By Annie
LG15 Username: angelprincess080897
Source: http://inside.lg15.com/2008/03/04/time-to-fold/
Posted by
1:41 AM
Labels: Community
What struck me is how the show’s development has been fueled by feedback from the public — as opposed to network executives armed with focus groups.
DivX to Nix Stage6
"DivX announced today that it’s shutting down Stage6 at the end of this month, putting an end to the video-sharing site’s short, expensive and litigious life."
MySpace Gets Special Delivery Pre-Paid
MySpace is launching its second original show, Special Delivery, after getting someone else to foot the bill upfront.
Network TV is Dead; Warner’s Going Hulu
Warner Bros. TV President Bruce Rosenblum last week both forecasted the demise of network television and said that a distribution deal between his studio and Hulu was “imminent,”
How to Get Funding for Your Video Startup
Talent agency William Morris, venture capital firms Accel Partners and Venrock, and AT&T are teaming up to invest in digital media startups.
Google Will Sell Ads in Web Videos
Web search leader Google plans to start selling ads to appear in Web videos after it agreed a partnership with YuMe, an online video advertising network
Startup wants to help you build and manage video-clip collections
uvLayer lets you build collections of videos based on a search term, and when you access the video via that search term, you can drag and drop it onto a canvas-like screen.
Posted by
10:07 PM
Labels: News
I needed someone to talk to. - JonasAfter a long struggle for existence "Out Of Control" finally battled it way free of the 436 on YouTube. Originally it only existed on MySpace. What does MySpace know about the 436 that YouTube does seem to be able to comprehend?
436 said...
First Youtube, then MySpace.
Out Of Control - Jonas (LG15) on LGPedia.
Lgpedia Needs Your Help: Ways To Help
Posted by
6:25 PM
Labels: lonelygirl15
Hey everybody,
It's HAMmy and I would like to officially announce that IM BACK!! After a few weeks of being gone from my show, I will finally return tonight at 7:00 pst on bree.fm. And whats our theme you ask? Well.....it's DISCO NIGHT!!!! So come boogie oogie oogie till you cant boogie no moooooore!!! HAHAAH. As you can tell I'm super excited...sooooooo.........Come Join Us!!! I will go live in
2 hours and 15 minutes!!!! start the countdown! ;) LOLOL
teh Hamster
Posted by
4:42 PM
Labels: BreeFM
Videos unavaliable, sexual titles, and unanswered questions...oh my! In this episode, Katie, Lexi and our guest host, Surfthetsu, discuss all the latest happenings in the LG15 world, and even some LG15 happenings in this world. Also, don't miss our first ever BLOOPERS!
Posted by
4:19 PM
Labels: lonelycast15
Another week of boredom and time to think. Aparantly people have a lot of opinions on this fellow Greggerz. But everyone seems to forget that I know him. I know him a lot better than I know most of them.
Posted by
3:26 PM
Labels: lonelyjew15, UGC
Message deciphered
Location found
Object retrieved
Posted by
3:23 PM
Labels: UGC
Anchor Cove's team of researchers strike again.
Description says: 12th Annual Webby Awards Online Film & Video
Posted by
12:03 PM
Labels: News
"After all, it was just a few months ago that Revver revealed they’d paid $1 million to content creators since opening their doors to the public."
Posted by
12:00 PM
Labels: News
Join the Lonelygirl15 radio chat now.
Amanda Says:
March 3rd, 2008 at 1:01 pm
Chat details: There will be a link here (a widget) on the homepage that takes you to nowlive.com for the chat. Here’s the lonelygirl15 profile on nowlive: http://www.nowlive.com/desktop/default.aspx?id=100274635
The chat will not be open to anyone calling in. That would tie up our phone lines!! Can you imagine how many people would call in?! InsideLG15 has been asking for your opinion and guidance for the past few days. Give your opinion and maybe the characters will call YOU!
Posted by
11:01 AM
Labels: Community, lonelygirl15
Amanda Says:
March 3rd, 2008 at 10:23 am
"Crystal does sketch while she is filming. The vase and fruit bowl were her drawings, but the one of the woman was drawn by Marcello Daciano."
Source: insideLG15
Posted by
10:39 AM
Labels: lonelygirl15
Watch More Videos Uploaded by www.bebo.com/MyKateModern
Sophie S said...
The JustIncredible.TV team hit the road this week. Lee has a near-death experience and an unlikely saviour, while Charlie can't sleep. When the gang are in Edinburgh, a stranger returns...
Music: 'Circle' by Solace. http://www.magnatune.com/artists/albums/solace-ahsas/
New to KateModern?
Confused? Don’t know who (or what) Kate is? Don’t worry; it’s never too late to start watching and being hooked on KateModern!
KateModern is an interactive drama series and is the sister show to ‘lonelygirl15’ (http://www.lonelygirl15.com ). You don’t need to watch that show to understand KateModern (but you can if you like!).
KateModern is into its second season now but the best way to catch up is to watch all of the videos from Season One first. There are more than 150 of them but they’re only a few minutes long! You can find them all here - http://www.bebo.com/FlashBoxHistory.jsp?MemberId=5403294541 Start with ‘Fight and Flight’, then ‘A Room With a View’, then ‘A Friendly Lie’ and so on working left to right over all six pages of videos until you reach the thrilling conclusion of Season 1 - ‘Resolution’.
When you’ve done that you can start on Season Two! Those videos are posted at http://www.bebo.com/KateModern. The easiest way to watch those is from the scrolling panel on the right of the video box. Scroll down to the bottom, start with the Season One Recap video and work up – ‘Back to Brick Lane’, then ‘Trouble on Brick Lane’, then ‘I Miss You...’ etc.
Done that? CONGRATULATIONS! You’re now fully up to speed! If you ‘Become a Fan’ and subscribe, you can choose to receive emails every time a new video is posted. There’s usually around five a week.
“You said it was an interactive show? What does that mean?!”
That’s right! Most of the KateModern characters have profiles on Bebo – you can find them linked in the ‘KateModern Universe’ box on the main show page (Gavin, Charlie, Julia etc), and in the ‘My Best Friends’ module on their profile pages. You can write to them and they might write back! They’re more likely to respond to you when you talk about things that are relevant to the story, so don’t talk to them about acting as they won’t respond (though the actors have their own Bebo pages which you can find at http://www.bebo.com/katemodernproduction ). If you’ve written to a character and they haven’t written back, try again in a couple of days. They’re very popular and don’t always have time to reply to everyone, but they do appreciate you getting in touch!
All you need to do to enjoy KateModern is to watch the videos from http://www.bebo.com/katemodern, but getting involved and being friends with the characters makes it an even more amazing experience! They write blogs, put up polls and might add things to the story that aren’t mentioned in the main videos.
“That’s great – I love KateModern! How else can I get involved?!”
So you’ve watched the videos (and commented on them!), talked to the characters, read their blogs...what else can you do? You can talk to other fans on the Official KateModern Forum at http://www.lg15.com/katemodern/forum, you can find out everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the show at the incredible, fan-written LGPedia – http://www.lg15.com/lgpedia/index.php?title=Portal:KateModern and you can check out ‘Behind the Scenes’ photos and videos at http://www.bebo.com/katemodernproduction.
There are also occasional opportunities to get involved with KateModern in ‘The Real World’. Every so often we have live events somewhere in the country where you can turn up and help the characters! Keep a look out for those – they’ll be well publicised on Bebo.
That pretty much sums everything up...if you’re still confused or have more questions write them in a comment on this post and we’ll try and help you out!
posted by Sophie S
Posted by
8:48 AM
Labels: KateModern
Last Chance
Now is your last chance to tell everyone where you stand. Give your opinion and guidance in the comments below and the characters may call you for your advice. Head to www.lg15.com/lonelygirl15 tomorrow at 6:00 pm PST and hear Daniel, Jonas, Sarah, Jennie, and Gina discuss their next move. (lg15.com will link you to www.nowlive.com profile lonelygirl15radio.)
Source: insideLG15
What should their next move be?
Posted by
8:30 AM
Labels: lonelygirl15
Wow. Thank you so much for this awesome gift! I seriously wasn't expecting it, and I am humbled that you would put in such time and effort to do this for my birthday.
Plus, let's face it: most people would find it difficult to even try and top the elegance of the song's original lyrics! And yet, somehow you managed to pull it off, putting the band Survivor to shame!
Thanks to PJ, Jenni Powell, Milowent, Elixir, Sheetzjunkie and MicFranxon--and everyone else who sent birthday wishes--for helping to make my 32nd birthday memorable!
Posted by
Glenn Rubenstein
12:30 AM
Labels: Community, Glenn Rubenstein
Crystal Young drawing between takes during the filming of Drawing in Bed.
Source: insideLG15
Crystal Young is the actress who plays the role of Gina in the lonelygirl15 web series. She is of Native American/Australian descent and modelled professionally before becoming involved with lonelygirl15.Crystal's father works in construction, and ever since she was a little girl, she would go to her dad's job sites and help out. Although she admits she probably wasn't much help at a young age, her father always gave her a hammer or something to work with, and she developed a really strong appreciation for building things. From 2005 to 2007, Crystal's main job was working construction. She was able to show off her woodworking skills in the video Playing With Wood.
Crystal Young
LGpedia needs your HELP: Ways To Help
Posted by
12:22 AM
Labels: Crystal Young, LG15, lonelygirl15
Posted by
9:52 PM
Labels: Community Video, meepers anonymous, UGC
I went to Clarendon Square to look for Alessandra, but just came back with doubts.
Music by Get Cape Wear Cape Fly
Follow the Flock on LGPedia
Discuss the Flock
Posted by
4:46 PM
“It’s kind of like the Marvel universe, where the comics are separate but they feed the same reality,” says Miles Beckett, the 30-year-old co-founder of LG15 Studios, the startup behind the Web serials.
From the LG15today coverage of Glenn's radio show in December of 2007:
"Compare to Marvel comics with "Civil War". You have people with their own stories but they are all part of something bigger. Think of it as a Robert Altman movie. We have interconnected characters. Rachel is tied in with East Texas where Maddison and Clara are from. You can follow them separately or as a whole."
WHAT TIME IS IT?...Coverage of Glenn on BreeFM
Posted by
12:48 PM
Labels: KateModern, News
quarterlife - part 34
quarterlife - part 34 - NEW EPISODE!
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"Home Sweet Home" - Eric confronts the potential buyer of the
quarterlife - part 33
quarterlife - part 33
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"Home Sweet Home" - Vanessa's video camera continues to cause more problems. Lisa tries to negotiate her relationship with John.
Posted by
12:00 PM
Labels: quarterlife
This article is from a year ago but it is still relevant because it shows you how Bebo was thinking about their future:
"Like Bebo CEO Michael Birch, who says in an interview published today that he’d turn down a hypothetical YouTube-sized offer from Google if it came along, and instead will set his sights on an eventual IPO."
Q&A: Michael Birch, CEO and founder, Bebo
"He's now determined he won't sell again when suitors come knocking at Bebo's door - even if that means turning down Google's cash-laden advances."
Posted by
11:42 AM
"The Legend of Zoey"... 33 years later: Temporal Vortex Spiraling into a temporal vortex the passage of time warps into an il...