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Does Daniel have blonde hilites in his hair?
ReplyDeletewhose holding the camera in the end?
ReplyDeleteI think Daniel is supposedly holding the camera.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Daniel, if they are gone and the truck you were following is gone ... maybe they followed the truck and couldn't wait for you to come back out?
Seems logical to me ... where the hell did your brain go?!
Must not be getting enough blood there lately ... hahahaha.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should go home and put the toilet seat down.
why are they following some random truck anyway
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, Joe!
ReplyDeleteJonas and Sarah stole the truck! D'oh!
ReplyDeleteWhy would they steal the truck without telling Daniel?
ReplyDeleteHmm..good point...maybe they went inside the back of the truck to investigate and suddenly it drove off?
ReplyDeleteMaybe they went into the back of the truck to make out. It's not a love triangle, it's more like a love hexagon.