Confused About OpAphid?
Read up on the history of OpAphid from back in the day when it was the official ARG of Lonelygirl15:
"OpAphid is an organization about which little is known, save that its task appears to be to protect the secrets of the Order, another shadowy religious organization. OpAphid first came into our lives to support Bree's decision to abandon her online blog in order to concentrate on the ceremony. After a brief period of time, however, OpAphid realized that the real money lay in Cassie, a shadowy former friend of Bree's who had been monopolizing the attention of many of Bree's fans with pleas to prevent the ceremony. In five YouTube video blogs, OpAphid alerted Cassie's supporters that Cassie was not as harmless or honest as she seemed. Within those vlogs, OpAphid (OpA) concealed a phone number which their true supporters could use to contact them, provided those supporters were clever enough and dedicated enough to find the number. The phone number led the worthy to a voicemail with a message that prepared them for a momentous future event.What OpA planned, we will never know, because their organization was disrupted by a break-in at one of their information-gathering facilities, and an unknown amount of information was stolen. Making quick use of their new network of contacts, OpA notified us via their YouTube profile, asking us to check the thief's last known location and recover any stolen items the thief had left. Drop operative Noava22 headed out to La Cienega Park (where the thief had last been seen), where he was met by archetype1. They quickly discovered a package containing an SD card and a postcard with a weeping bunny on it. While at the park, Noa was also contacted (via pay phone) by a man who declined to give his name, but who, after ascertaining that Noa knew a certain password, demanded information about his "sister." When pressed, it became apparent that the "sister" in question was also the person responsible for the break-in at OpA's facility. Immediately after hanging up from that call, Noa received a call from OpA, Letting him know whether he passed or failed.
Noa, wary of the consequences of all this communication, kept the contents of his conversations to himself, but revealed to OpA's other followers at the fact that he had received phone calls. After receiving permission from OpA, he also shared the contents of the package found at the park, which were quickly dissected and analyzed. Shortly thereafter, OpA pointed its followers toward the YouTube profile of someone calling herself Tachyon and identified her as the thief, although OpA admitted that it did not know Tachyon's true identity. Throughout, concern and frustration over the contents of the phone calls continued to grow, climaxing when the male caller, identified as Brother, began calling those who had previously left their numbers on OpA's voicemail. These calls proved to be a test of loyalty for everyone, because those who gave Brother too much information were declared untrustworthy by OpA, while those who kept their secrets to themselves were asked by OpA to conceal the contents of the phone calls as well.
All the secrecy and tension surrounding the phone calls caused some people to abandon OpA's side and defect to Tachyon's. Others, who had been growing increasingly concerned about OpA's motives and methods, did the same. Still others grew even more committed to OpA as a result of the break-in and aftermath. Slowly but surely, sides began to form, although many undecided people remained. It was revealed that the voicemail line was Brother's, but was tapped by OpA.
Meanwhile, analysis of Tachyon's YouTube videos revealed that she had been working undercover within OpA, although it was not discovered what she was looking for or what her position there was. Although she was on the run, Tachyon attempted to contact Brother with information about where she was going to be, but the communication was intercepted by OpA's followers. The communication turned out to be a false lead, but fortunately Brother fell for it as well, and OpA's followers were able to get to Tachyon's next drop ahead of him. A late-night dash by Ladron121 and archetype1 out to Pea Soup Anderson's in Santa Nella revealed another postcard, another SD card, and an annotated copy of Aleister Crowley's Book of the Law.
True to her name, Tachyon was on the move again, and we didn't hear from her until she made contact from Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. This time, Ladron121 and Luv2LuvEm found a copy of Nancy Drew's Guide to Life in addition to the postcard and SD card. Tachyon had attached a note to the book letting us know that she thought it had a lot of wisdom to offer the inquiring mind. Shortly thereafter, Brother proved that although past interactions with him had indicated that he wasn't technologically advanced enough to use a screwdriver, much less create vlogs, he could indeed find the "any key" and much more. He created a music mashup on the voicemail line telling Tachyon that he had a new, secure line and giving her clues to what it was. Extremely dexterous followers of both OpA and Tachyon worked to discover the message, which proved to be a direct communication between Brother and Tachyon, in which Brother dropped his "I don't know which end of the phone to hold" personality and revealed that he suspected he was being watched.
The situation between Tachyon and OpA grew increasingly complex, especially once it was revealed that Bree and Gemma knew an acronym for APHID that differed wildly from what we had learned about OpA's methods. No questions were answered when Tachyon left yet another package, this time in Petaluma, which contained (in addition to the SD card and postcard) a copy of Morihei Ueshiba's The Art of Peace, a birthday card, and a note which was clearly not directed at Brother. This opened the possibility that Tachyon had other contacts we were unaware of and had been communicating with them for some time. Meanwhile, OpA, which had been watching Tachyon, Brother, and Bree and Daniel, entered Bree and Daniel's hotel room and ransacked it looking for the note Bree's parents left her when they were taken away.
After her room was ransacked, Bree and Daniel continued on the run, and began living in an abandoned building, feeding off of trash. Sometime between their room getting ransacked, and them moving into an abandoned building, Jonas was introduced to the story. After a few video blogs of his were released, the followers of LG15 were asked to choose whether they trusted him or not. Well, consensus ruled that he could be trusted. Bree decided to go with what the forum thought, and she went with Jonas. Daniel, on the other hand, did not trust Jonas. And upon meeting Jonas, Daniel left Bree and went back home.
Shortly before Christmas, Tachyon began releasing videos showing that Gemma was indeed part of the Order. They showed her deceiving Bree, and even had a piece of a phone conversation in one video. Eventually, Tachyon sent Brother two emails, heavily encrypted, detailing the depths of Gemma's perfidy. The first email was an exchange between Gemma and someone named "Sebastian," who was revealed to be Brother in disguise. Apparently, Brother had gone to London on some mission, and Gemma had been tasked by the Order to get close to him and do some...intimate spying. The second email was one from Tachyon to Brother explaining that there had been a plot against Brother's life. The Order had planned to blow up the building Brother was in, and Tachyon's organization had had to plant a false body in the rubble, and then send Brother into deep hiding.
After releasing these videos, Tachyon left a mission for her brother that gave him a chance at revenge on Gemma. The mission was "a simple task, one that even a monkey could do". Basically, he was directed to "take care of Gemma". Brother released a video where Gemma is seen walking down an alley. She is being watched through the scope of a gun, after which the shot fades out into white. Later on, a voicemail was discovered on Brother's phone, with what sounded like a "mission accomplished". The voicemail is still being analyzed, and it is still unknown whether or not Gemma was actually disposed of.
In early January, OpAphid called upon its followers to help recover a fake ID left by Daniel at a bowling alley and bar. The ID helped OpAphid locate Daniel, and resulted in his kidnapping."
LGpedia needs your HELP!
WOW this really puts the one I wrote to SHAME