Who is Jenni Powell
Jenni Powell on LGPedia
Jenni Powell is a long-time member of the online community. She approached Glenn Rubenstein over a year ago (before OpAphid became the official ARG of lonelygirl15) to ask if he needed any help production-wise. He saw her background in comedy and realized she may be a good fit to help produce an off-shoot of OpAphid that he had been writing called The Hamster Project.Jenni shot episode one based off a script he sent her, and he was impressed. They rewrote episodes one and two together, and then, Jenni produced, directed, and shot them. Before they had a chance to go farther on the project, Glenn was hired by LG15 to make OpAphid the official ARG, so Hamster Project had to take a back-seat.
The two lost touch as Glenn became busy with LG15, and didn't get back in contact until around the time Marla Singer showed up in Nacogdoches for the first time. She jokingly sent him an e-mail saying that she didn't want Marla to have all of the in-game fun. However, she didn't expect a response.
Much to her suprise, Glenn responded and asked her to call him because he actually had her in mind for something he was working on. At that point, he asked her to start collaborating him on the Rachel vlogs as a co-writer. They started working together with the video Opportunity Crisis!
Jenni is involved in other LG-related projects as well, including writing, producing, directing, and acting in a popular lonelygirl15 spinoff called lonelyjewfifteen with Adam Daroff. They release new episodes of LonelyJew every Wednesday, though they sometimes have "bonus episodes" during the week. She also hosts a radio show on Bree FM every Wednesday from 4 - 6 PM PST.
LGpedia needs your HELP!
GREAT pedia entry... I wondered how this union was forged... now I know... woohoo!