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Monday, June 29, 2009


Artwork by DJBeader

During this Hiatus Week we will be highlighting more of the great submissions to this CAP. Hope you all enjoy them!

Here is your new Call To Action: The remaining people on Harper’s Island (our fair Robin included) are running for their lives. Trying to survive.

And who knows, maybe they will. But one thing is for sure, whoever DOES survive, their story will surely be an entertaining one.

Until we can watch that story, however, we’d like to hear yours. Tell us your tales of survival.

This can be any type of harrowing event, from big to small, be it near drowning, extreme sunburn, food poisoning, homework that nearly killed you, a crash, lost in the woods, etc.

Blog about how you faced disaster and came away safe and sound.

Your deadline is 5pm PST on Wednesday, July 1st (just a day and a half away). The chosen blog will win the user a free Harper’s Globe t-shirt.

To submit, simply post your CAP to your profile, and then flag it as “Cool”. Also, make sure to announce your upload in the CAP: Tales of Survival thread, so that everyone can enjoy your work.

Good Luck, Harpies!


For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.


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