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Monday, June 22, 2009

The Lonelycracker Awards

Featuring Yousef Abu-Taleb, Maxwell Glick, Becki Kregoski, LG15: The Last Cast, Greg Goodfried and so much more.....

Lonelycracker Awards Part 1
Here is what you have all been waiting for, the first part of THE LONELYCRACKER AWARDS!!!

Lonelycracker Awards Part 2 Part 1

Lonelycracker Awards Part 2 Part 2

Lonelycracker Awards Part 3

And here is the last part of the awards

I hope you enjoyed!

Congratulations to all the winners, a very special thank you to everyone that agreed to present an awards and everyone else that helped, this video wouldn't have been possible without all of your help.

Tune in next year for the next edition of The Lonelycracker Awards


Jessica said...
I think BG deserves a GREAT BIG THANKS for all his hard work on this!

milowent said...
for any non meepers apprehensive about watching the whole thing - i would note that yousef, max, becki, the last cast, and greg goodfried are all among those in these vids.

To read up on the history of "Lonelycrack": http://www.lg15.com/lgpedia/index.php?title=Lonelycrack

Join with fellow meepers at http://meepers-united.ning.com/ or http://www.lg15.com/thelast




  1. I think BG deserves a GREAT BIG THANKS for all his hard work on this!

  2. for any non meepers apprehensive about watching the whole thing - i would note that yousef, max, becki, the last cast, and greg goodfried are all among those in these vids.

  3. I WON! Do we have to give a speech?

    BG did a great job and in my opinion would make a great Watcher or other evil guy in a suit and dark glasses.

  4. Yes Joe , you do have to make a speech. I am and most of the other winners say they'll make one too

    I don't know about being a watcher, for real maybe (the hours are terrible, but I hear they have a great health plan), on the show I doubt it, it took me 114 takes to make my videos...in my defence it was my first time using a webcam, I expect I'll get better with practice

  5. Great Job BG!!! I am honored to have won an award! How totally cool :)


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