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Oh, Lonely Fish Tachyfin and Web Series Today, thank you so much....I'll bet you did this all by yourself Tachyfin...maybe you let Model Motion help....maybe...Anyway here's the scoop:
ReplyDeleteAs you may know, Max is unemployed as an actor and pink slipped from his night job and evicted from his apartment. To survive best pal Joey has convinced him to impersonate his dead Aunt Florrie to keep her $105/month apartment...this works until Max meets and falls in love with Suzie, a fashionista with expensive taste. He must find a job and in the last episode of Pink Slip he found a job breaking up with women for guys who are too wimpy to do it themselves at the Kick 'Em to the Curb Break Up Service...that's where this episode picks up...sort of...first we have a backstage fashion show scene where Suzie reports that she's being stalked to a co-worker with a brother who is a P.I....who will then stalk the stalker....but the real back story to this episode is that it is a miracle that we ever put it together. The night before the shoot, the actress who was to play Karen, cancelled, so did the Actor who was to play Suzie's co-worker and the P.I., then another actor cancelled....I was up until about 3:00A.M. finding other actors on FB and through friends...luckily we had a friend and cast member who helped (that was Luis Lau who plays Rocco) Luis got us Kathleen Kelly who literally stepped in at the last second to play Karen and he got us another Kelly too, Blaze Kelly who played Suzie's co-worker Jean and the P.I. Jamal....this was all done online...no auditions here....bless you Facebook and email...we also found Bubbles (Marneen Lynne Fields) on Facebook but not at the last moment....I put out a call on the Pink Slip fan page when someone else who was supposed to do this role couldn't make it and Marneen answered it, and by the way she is winning an L.A. Comedy award this Tuesday for her "Kathryn Davis - Take Two" script and she is amazing. Another cast member, beautiful Sarah Nicklin also came to us online on Facebook...She contacted me and asked if I needed an actress and I'd just finished the script and did...she plays Jill, the biker chick and did a great job as did a FB friend who plays Mary. We also lost two art P.A.s a few days before our shoot and thankfully Jeff Gund InfoList.com came to our rescue....if you are looking for a crew job this is the place to go....and you might consider checking it late at night when 2nd A.D.s and producer/directors discover that a crew member is sick and can't make the shoot...we found Mollie Caselli, our set photographer, editor and all around person who also plays one of the strippers Magenta Spice in this manner.....she is what I like to call Mollie Magic and Magic she is....since we did not have an audience for the new fashion show and there were some editing problems...we inserted a still photo of Mollie shooting and added flashes of light so it looks more like a fashion shoot than show but it sort of works I think especially since we didn't have an audience for the show....we shot only the feet of our actresses (great shoes, huh?)and used some old footage we hadn't used before from another episode....hey it was an emergency. Hope you think it worked. Then we found two other Art Production people Lorel Keiko Saki who was terrific and the amazing Michael A. Thompson who came with sets and props sort of...he had a clothing rack and a screen that we used in the backstage scene which saved oodles of money. The music in the dance number is on loan from my college friend Gary William Friedman of "Platinum" and "The Me Nobody Knows" fame....a great Broadway show tune that works so well for us...we also play some music by Will Stenner and the Holing also found online and lent to us...but later in another episode we will use their music and songs full out....but I don't want to give it away....right Tachy...because I want you all to watch us.
Please forgive us for that typo...it should read music from "The Holding" and not the Holing....sorry.
ReplyDeleteProduction is hard so yea. Well done.
ReplyDeleteTachyfin says "gulp"
Always like recaps that make it easy to jump into a show. To many shows forget to do that, so again, well done.
Tachyfin says "gulp"
Thank you Lonelyfish Tachyfin...and since it's almost October and Autumn is in the air and Halloween is coming soon....I made you a pumpkintini just for you...hope you like it as much as you like the fishtini and the martuna. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=203574529813389&set=a.175375382633304.1073741828.175371169300392&type=1&theater