Web Series Today: Welcome to new "authors"!

Here are a few key things to note:
1. The mission of Web Series Today is to keep the Web series community up to date with what is going on in the World of Web series.
2. You should receive both an invite from "Blogger" and a welcome e-mail from Web Series Today. If you do not see the invite be sure to check your spam folder.
3. Since the blogger platform limits the number of authors we can add, it is important we allocate the author positions to active members. If you fail to post at least once in a 30 day period you will be removed from the list and your spot given to someone on the wait list. If you were previously on the "author" list and you are unable to sign in, it means that you were removed from the list. If you wish to be added back you need to send an e-mail to [email protected].
4. If you applied to be an "author" and did not receive an e-mail invite, please send an e-mail notification to [email protected] as soon as possible. If you wish to become an "author" follow the instructions on the link on the right of the blog.
5. it is vitally important that new "authors" read ALL the directions (including links provided) carefully before posting. The directions are provided based on issues that have arisen in the past. If you ignore them, not only do you make the blog look bad, you make yourself look bad, and ultimately that hurts the entire community. Worse still it consumes a great deal of time and energy trying to correct the issues that arise as a consequence. So, take the time, review the documentation, and once you feel comfortable that you fully understand the conventions on the blog, begin to post.
6. The way to embed a high definition video on the blog is via a "640 x 360" embed. Learn how to do this correctly, as described in the directions, BEFORE you begin to post. This is perhaps the most common error that is made, so again pay attention to the instructions provided and if you are in doubt ask a question via comments here on the blog.
7. Remember to add tag/labels to your post as described in the directions. Having the specific Tag/Labels requested is again vital to the smooth functioning of the blog, so please do not leave them out!
8. We strongly recommend that you also join the Web Series Today Community on Google+: http://www.tinyurl.com/webseriescommunity
1. How to get the most out of Web Series Today: http://bit.ly/howtoWST
2. Web Series Today FAQ: http://bit.ly/WSTFAQ
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